Ag History - 1950s - 1970s

  • Technical Farm Advancements

    Technical Farm Advancements
    Around this time, farms became more technologically advanced. They began to use cars, telephones, and other electric appliances to increase productivity.
  • Cost Increases

    Cost Increases
    Costs to run farms had drastically increased. In 1940, the cost of farming was $6,622, but in 1952, the price had jumped to $23,027.
  • Dextram Approved for Civilian Use

    Dextram Approved for Civilian Use
    Dextram is derived from corn, cane sugar, and/or beet sugar. It can be used as a blood plasma replacement. Several advantages of dextram is that it can be sterilized and keep longer without refrigeration. It is still used today.
  • Farm Bills

    Farm Bills
    After the Korean War ended, there was a large surplus of crops, lowering the sale prices for farmers. One of the things the Agricultural Act of 1954 did was create Food for Peace, which sent some of their crops to allies overseas.
  • America Ag Passes Technological Milestone

    America Ag Passes Technological Milestone
    The number of tractor and farm exceeded the number of horses and mule for the first time in 1954. This ushered in a new era of farming.
  • National Milk Conference

    National Milk Conference
    Direct federal payments to farmers doubled during this time in a bid to help small-scale farmers. President Kennedy also expanded the food programs.
  • Growing Farms

    Growing Farms
    In 1950, the average farm was two hundred thirteen acres. Farms grew larger in 1960, averaging at two hundred ninety-seven acres.
  • Gaines Dwarf Wheat

    Gaines Dwarf Wheat
    An American scientist named Dr. Norman Borlaug developed a new strain of wheat called the Gaines Dwarf. This strain of wheat is highly productive. It was introduced to India during a famine in the 1960s.
  • Increases in Productivity

    Increases in Productivity
    Farmers could produce 60 brussels per acre compared to the 1940s where they could only produce 30 brussels.
  • New Hybrid of Millet Seeds

    New Hybrid of Millet Seeds
    In 1965, Indian scientists developed a new hybrid of millet wheats that out produced the native species by 88%. That year, 3.5 million tons of millet were produced.
  • Girls in FFA

    Girls in FFA
    In 1969, girls were finally allowed to join Future Farmers of America. The change was made after women began to take over farms during the World Wars.
  • First Earth Day

    First Earth Day
    Earth Day was created to celebrate the Earth. It also served as a reminder that it is our responsibility to care for the Earth.