ag history (1800-1900)

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    plantation vs farm

    The main difference between a plantation and a farm is that a plantation has slaves and is mostly in the south and a farm does not have slaves and is smaller. Most plantations had hundreds of slaves working for them and had many acres.
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    exports 1800 to 1850

    From the 1800s to the 1850s agriculture exports have had a very significant increase. It has increased over 160 million dollars in 50 years. that is a very significant increase.
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    food and nutrition

    By the end of the 1800s, many new discoveries were changing the way Americans farmed. One of the most important scientific advances of this period was the discovery that plants could be selectively bred for disease resistance.
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    rebuilding the south

    The Civil War destroyed much of the South and its plantations. More dramatically, four million slaves were suddenly freed with no land, no money and little opportunity. A tenant farming system called 'sharecropping' evolved in the South to make use of cheap labor.
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    farm labour comparisons

    In 1830 it took 250 to 300 hours of wok to to yield a 100 bushels or 5 acres of wheat. all this work was done by hand. They used a walk behind plow and had to scatter seed with there hands. Fast forward in 1950 it took 75 to 90 hours to produce 100 bushels of corn or 2.5 with walking plow and planting by hand.
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    agricultural advancements

    farmers began to use horse powered equipment like the broadcast seeder and the grain reaper. Cyrus Mccormick is the was the person that created these implements for famers. He is sometimes referred to as the father of modern agriculture.
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    farm population

    from 1860 to 1890 half the population was farmers until the 1900s then there were less and less farmers since then. In 1860 farmer had a average of 199 acres. in 1920 the average is 148 acres. the acres dropped and the opolation went up.
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    transportation in the west

    In the 1800s, moving cattle from range to market involved cowboys driving cattle along established trails. As railroads moved westward, ranchers were able to significantly reduce the distance they had to drive their cattle.
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    homestead act

    Farmer homesteaders in the Great Plains were sometimes called sodbusters.these people built houses out of sod. barbed wire was also a new thing that many farmers used.
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    a need for agricultural education

    people began to move into cities and they needed a way to keep food and fabric production to continue. They needed away to teach new farmers or future farmers about it. 4H is what taught a lot of people about farming and what gt young farmers into farming.
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    early agricultural science

    One of the things the department of agriculture wanted to do the most was the research of new plants and animals so there was more variety. Mark A. Carleton was sent on his first plant exploration trip to Russia. He brought back new durum and hard red wheat varieties to grow in the United States. this was the beginning of a new thing.
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    cattle disease

    n 1890, a disease among cattle caused widespread losses for ranchers, especially in the South. Southern cattle were often driven to northern markets, spreading a trail of disease along the way. Northern cattle, taken to the South for breeding, often contracted the disease and died.