After ww2

  • President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the GI bill of Rights

    Thousand of New Mexicans were not able to get good jobs when they came back after ww2, president Franklin D. Roosevelt made sign the GI bill of Right which gave them the money to start over and go to collage and by or house or somthing so they can have a good life after comeing back from ww2.
  • Uranium Mining

    Many miners did not know about the dangers they face when they are mining the uramium could cause cancer and other health disorders.
  • Fair Employment Rights Bill

    Senator Dennis Chavez fought for the rights for all american works and veterans in the post war era. In ww2 a law was passed that it is illegal for people not to be hired becuase of their skin color. Senetor Dennis Chavez thought to make this law perminent and introduced the Fair Employment Rights bill.
  • White Sands Proving Grounds are Established

    The White sand grounds are the White sands missle range.
    The missle ranfe was established in the year 1945.
    The military has been testing missiles and nuclear bombs at white sands sense 1945 and still test them at the same stop today.
  • Voteing Rights

    Miguel Trujillo was a isleta pueblo member who served in the military and he was going to vote but he could not because he didnt pay a tax because he lived in isleats pueblo he took this to the court and the fought it and he made it where any one can vote in 1948.
  • Civil Defence

    Many people were fearful of neclaer war or accidents, so New Mexico paricipated in the civil defence system. which lead people started to build fallout shelters which is a shelter for the to hide in will the was an accident or a nuclear war going on, and this would protect them form the nucleat blast. Also people would store food in the shelter just in case of a nuclear attack.