
Important Event During the African Slave Trade

By caiteak
  • Jan 1, 1502

    Beginning of the Slave Trade

    Beginning of the Slave Trade
    In 1502 is the first report that we have of African slaves in the New World. Slavery had existed in Europe before this time, but the Atlantic Slave Trade didn't take off until the beginning of the 1500's.
  • Mar 7, 1525

    First slaves in America

    First slaves in America
    This marks the year of the first direct voyage from Africa the the Americas with slaves.
  • Mar 7, 1560

    Regular Voyages

    Regular Voyages
    Slavery becomes a regular thing. Between 2,500-6,000 slaves were being transported each year, which doesn't compare to the peak of the slave trade. At this time, only Spanish and Brazilian traders were making regular voyages.
  • Peak of the Slave Trade

    Peak of the Slave Trade
    At this time, slavery was at it's peak. Slaves were being shipped around the world and they were being traded for different things like crops and textiles. Millions of slaves were being transported around the world.
  • Abolition starts

    Abolition starts
    British Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade founded. They will become a major force for abolition, even though abolition still has a long ways to go.
  • Slave uprising in Haiti

    Slave uprising in Haiti
    The Haitian Revolution begins with a slave uprising in the French West Indian colony of Santo Domingo. The revolution will eventually lead to the establishment of the black nation of Haiti ten years later.
  • France Emancipation

    France Emancipation
    France emancipates all slaves in slave colonies. In the United States, Congress passed laws prohibiting anyone to be involved in the trading of slaves to different countries.
  • First country to ban slaves

    First country to ban slaves
    Denmark is the first country to ban slaves. At this time, slavery was still a very common thing that was occurring and they were still being traded throughout many different countries. The impact on the slave trade is minimal, but it was a start.
  • Britain bans slave trade

    Britain bans slave trade
    Britain bans the Atlantic slave trade. Also during this year, the United States passes legislation to ban the slave trade that will take into effect in the next year.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    At the Congress of Vienna, the British pressure Spain, Portugal, France and the Netherlands to agree to abolish the slave trade. However, Spain and Portugal are permitted a few years of continued slaving to replenish labor supplies.
  • Treaty to abolish slavery

    Treaty to abolish slavery
    Britain and Spain sign a treaty to prohibit slave trade. This also gave them the right to search ships that they felt were breaking the treaty put into place.
  • Last Voyage

    Last Voyage
    The last ever trans-Atlantic slave voyage occurred during this year. This marks the end of the Atlantic Slave Trade.
  • Britain outlaws slavery

    Britain outlaws slavery
    Britain declares buying, selling, and owning of slaves illegal.
  • End of the Slave Trade

    End of the Slave Trade
    After many centuries of buying and selling slaves, it finally came to an end in 1860. However, the buying and trading of slaves continues because as long as there was a market for slaves, people were going to trade them illegally.
  • Slavery abolished in the United States

    Slavery abolished in the United States
    In 1865, the United States abolished slavery under the 13th amendment, which states that there will be punishments for anyone who owns slaves. This makes every slave a free man.