African Independence

By JhMs1
  • South Africa

    South Africa was founded by the Dutch.
  • South Africa

    The British took over the colony.
  • Pan-Africanism Origins

    Black intellectuals call for self-government.
  • Pan-Africanism

    Pan-Africanism is spread all over the world.
  • After World War II

    Many Africans were opposed to European rule.
  • Independence

    27 African countries are freed of European rule.
  • Independence

    Nigeria gains independence from Britain.
  • Independence

    Kenya gains independence from Britain.
  • Independence

    Over 47 African countries are now free of European rule.
  • Changes

    Pressure led by the embargo, the Pan-African Congress, and th African National Congress forced changes in South Africa.
  • Elections

    The international community told the KNAU that they would cut off economic health if Moi didn't improve Kenya's civil rights.
  • Elections

    The first multiracial election in South Africa made Nelson Mandela the first black president.
  • Elections

    A more free election is held in Nigeria.