Period: to
African Independence
Egypt Independence
Egypt IndependenceEgypt was declared independent on 28 February 1922. The British government proclaimed this without any discussions with representatives from Egypt, leaving the details on 4 issues, namely the communications security of British occupation in Egypt, Egypt’s defense. http://library.thinkquest.org/04oct/01218/nationalism/postww1-2.html -
Togo Independence
Togo IndependenceA former German colony subsequently under French and British mandates following World War I. The part of the country administered by the French had a status of “associated territory” in the French Union established in 1946. The country became an autonomous republic by referendum in 1956. In February 1958, victory for the the Togolese Unity Committee, a nationalist movement, opened the way to independence. The first elected president was Sylvanus Olympio and then later killed in January 1963. -
Democratic Repbulic of The Congo
(Video)Democratic repiblic of congo independenceIn January 1959, under the leadership of Patrice Lumumba, riots broke out in Leopoldville in what was then known as the Belgian Congo. Belgian authorites called the main Congolese leaders Brussels and deciced to withdraw from the country, fearing was of independence similar to the one the was ravaging Algeria at the time. Belgian Congo thus became the Deomcratice Republic of the Congo -
Cameroon IndependenceA former German colony divided between France and the United Kingdom in 1918, Cameroon acquired its independence thanks to armed movements. Less than a year after the United Nations announced the end of French control, French Cameroon proclaimed its independence. The following year, the southern part of the country, under British control, merged with the north. On May 5, 1960, Ahmadou Ahidjo was elected as the country’s first president. -
Madagascar Independence
Madagascar Independence A French overseas territory as of 1946, this island was proclaimed an autonomous state within the French COmmunity in 1958. In 1960, Presidenc Philibert Tsirana succeededin convincing Genral de Gaulle to grant Madagascar total sovereignty and, in doing so, became the first president of the republic. -
Somalia Independence
Somalia Independence Somalia at one point was an Italian colony, and on the day Somalia merged and it became independent with the former British protector of Somaliland in 1960 to form the Somali Republic. Somaliland had gained full sovereignty five days before. The idea was to reconstitute the “Greater Somalia” of the pre-colonial era, which had included Kenya, Ethiopia, and the future Djibouti, which was at that time under French control. -
Benin Independence
Benin Independece A referendum, on September 28, 1958, proposing a plan for a French-African Community, paved teb way for independence of Dahomey two years later, when power was transferred to President Hubert Maga. -
Niger Independence
Niger IndependenceA referendum in 1958 propelled Diori Hamana to power. The republic is proclaimed on December 18, 1958, but indepence is solemnly declared on August 3, 1960. Hamani, the countrys first presidence, is overthrown by a coup d etat in 1974. -
Burkina Faso Independence
Burkina Faso IndependenceA French protectorate, the Republic of Upper Volta is proclaimed on December 11, 1958, but remains part of the French community, before gaining full independence on August 5, 1960. In 1984, the country takes the name Burkina Faso under the presidency of Thomas Sankara, who was assassinated in 1987. -
Ivory Coast Independence
Ivory Coast Independence A referendum in 1958 resulted in the Ivory Coast becoming as autonomous repbulic. In June of 1960, the pro-French Felix Houphouet-Boigny proclaimed the countrys independence, but maintaining close ties between Abidjan and Paris. The Ivory Coast became one of the most prosperous West African nations. -
Chad Indpendence
Chad IndependenceTwo years after becoming a repbulic, Chad achieved indpendence on August 11, 1960. The prime minister at the time, Francios Tombalbaye, thus became the first president of a country that deteriorated rapidly into the civil war between the Muslim north and the Christian-majority south. -
Central African Repbulic Independence
Central African Repbulic Independence Under French control as of 1905 Ubangi-Chari became the Central African Repbulic on December 1, 1958. When independence was proclaimed on August 13, 1960, David Dacko, cousin of national hero Barthelemy Boganda, was propelled to the head of the country. A commited pan-Africanist, Boganda presided over French Equatorial Africa for two years, working for the emancipation of Africans, He died on March 29, 1959, in an airplane accident. -
The Republic of The Congo Independence
Rebulic of the Congo IndependenceNinety nine percent of the Congolese people voted to join the French Community in a 1958 refrendum, making the country an autonomous repbulic. The following year, violence broke out in Brazzaville, triggering a French military intervention. On August 15, 1960, Congo gained indpendence, with Fulbert Youlou as a president until 1963. -
Gabon Independence
(Video)Gabon IndependenceCritcised by several opposition parties for being anti-independence, Prime Minister Leon M'Ba was nevertheless resigned to proclaim it on August. He would preferred that Gabon became a French department, but had to back down when General de Gaulle refused. -
Mali and Sengal Independence
Mali and Sengal IndependenceThe independent repbilic of Sengal and Mali were born from the ashes of the short-lived Feration of Mali- established on January 17, 1959- made up of Senegal and former French Sudan. The two countries had initally intended to form one, but after significant differences between Leopold Sedar Senghorr, the senegalese president of the Fedral Assembly, the Modibo Keita, his Sudanese prime minister, the sutorites in Dakar withdrew from the federation and declared indpendence on August 20. -
Nigeria Independence
Nigeria Independence Divided into a federation of three regions – North, East, and West – by the Lyttelton Constitution in 1954, Nigeria, with its population of 34 million, was already considered the giant of the African continent. As soon as independence was declared on October 1, the former British colony was confronted with its deep ethnic and religious divisions, which quickly became the cause of severe political instability. -
Mauritania Independence
(Video)Mauritania IndependenceMauritania proclaimed its independence on November 28, despite opposition from Morocco and the Arab League. The country’s constitution, established in 1964, set up a presidential regime, with Prime Minister Ould Daddah becoming president. He remained in power until 1978. -
Botswana Independence
Botswana IndependenceIndependencea Botswana independence party was formed in 1964 to try and get Botswana independence. it was led by Motsamai Mpho and he was a part of many Botswanan elections -
Zimbabwe Independence
Before gaining independence in 1980 Zimbabwe went through a very harsh civil war. This was ended right before their country gained independence. There were many uprisings after their independence leaving many people dead.