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African Americans in Sports

By kcook19
  • Slaves & Sports

    Slaves & Sports
    Long before Kobe Bryant and Michael Vick, African Americans were engaged in sports. Slaves participated in sports for fun and by force. When allotted free time they partook in many sports which allowed them to relieve stress and frustrations and escape the realities of slave life. On the other hand, for slave-owners enjoyment and entertainment, they would round u their strongest slaves and hold wrestling/ boxing matches against neighboring plantations. Even in these days though, women did not pa
  • Period: to

    African Americans in Sports

    African Americans role in Sports sonce the 17/1800s and the hardships they faced throughout!
  • Black women in Sports

    Black women in Sports
    Women in sports has always been an issue. Sports was never something they were allowed to participate in due to discrimination. Women belonged in the house and were supposed to be ladies. Sports definitely did not fit that role. Being a black woman wanting to play sports was a double whammy. Not only did they receive rejection from being women but from being African American on top of that. This issue is still present today...with all women.
  • Stereotypes associated with African Americans and Sports.

    Stereotypes associated with African Americans and Sports.
    ONGOING. Blacks are often associated with excelling in athletics but unfortunately it is not because of their talent. "Blacks men are are just really good at playing basketball/foootball" or "Black women are more aggressive, that's why they are good at sports" are just some of the thing I have heard myself. This is not true, hard work, talent, and dedication got black athletes to where thay are, not just luck or their skin color.
  • Equality Issues

    Equality Issues
    ONGOING. Blacks faced many hardships in sports. Back in the early days when blacks were beginning to play in professional sports more, the more and more they were mistreated. Whites did not like blacks being able to play with whites and often shouted racial slurs and threatened the players. Black players were also mistreated by their own teams and did not get the same treatment or pay as the white players.
  • Charles Follis

    Charles Follis
    A.K.A "The Black Cyclone"
    Charless Follis was first black catcher to move from college baseball into the Negro Leagues but this suprisingly is ot what he is known for. Follis went on to become the first African American prefessional FOOTBALL player. Follis played for the Shelby Blues, an american football team in ohio. He played from 1902-1906 before an injury ended his career. He died in 1910 from pneumonia.
  • George Poage

    George Poage
    Although may have not even heard of him, George Poage was the first African American to win an Olympic Award in 1904. He won two bronze medal for for track at the games. His running career was short but he made way for many others.
  • Jack Johnson

    Jack Johnson
    Jack Johnson was born in 1878 to parents who were former slaves. He dropped out of school at a young age and found himself in jail after being arressted for fighting in Texas. In jail, he was trained to fight by his cell mate. He went on to beocme the first black Heavy Weight World Champion in 1908.
  • Jesse Owens

    Jesse Owens
    Jesse Owens is known for being the most successful athlete in the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany. He won four gold medals for trck and field. He was also the first African America to receive a sponsor, Addidas. At the games, Hitler was disgusted & said with a shrug "their physiques were stronger than those of civilized whites and hence should be excluded from future games." This gets back to African American Stereotypes...
  • Jackie Robinson

    Jackie Robinson
    Most famously known for breaking the color line in baseball when he became the firs African American to play MLB for the Brooklyn Dodgers. Robinson also played for the Negro Leagues and Minor Leagues before entering the Major leagues. He had a long career and played in a total of 6 world series and helped the Dodgers win the Championship.
  • Althena Gibson

    Althena Gibson
    Althena is sometimes reffered to the "Jackie Robinson of tennis" for breaking the color barrier. Long before Venus and Serena Willams, Althena Gibson won a Grand Slam Title in 1956 and was the first African American to do so. She was also the first African American to win other titles such as the Wimbelton in 1957 and the U.S. open in 1958.
  • Hank Aaron

    Hank Aaron
    Hank Aaron is know as one of the greatest baseball players ever known. He played 23 seasons in Major League Baseball and broke Babe Ruth's record in 1974 for the most home runs. In 1982, he was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. His record was later beat by Barry Bonds in 2007 but Hank Aaron will forever be one of the greatest baseball players in history.
  • Bo Jackson

    Bo Jackson
    Bo Jackson was the first pathlete to be named an All-Star in two major American sports. He also won the Heisman Trophy in 1985 while at Auburn University. Bo Jackson played Bseball and Fooball in the MLB and NFL.
  • SES issue with African Americans & Sports

    SES issue with African Americans & Sports
    Although SES issues within sports have been around for many many years, it is an issue today more than ever. Lower SES is children don't have the same opportunities to be fit/ healthy as white children which means they are not able to artake in organized and/or afterschool sports.