African American Timeline

  • Sit-In Movement (Social Impact)

    Sit-In Movement (Social Impact)
    Four black students from the Agricultural and Technical College in Greensboro, North Carolina, sat down at the counter of Woolworth’s, a local restaurant, and ordered coffee. But they were refused service because of the counter’s whites-only rule. They stayed until the shop closed and came back the next day and sparked a movement with many other young African Americans. This impacted the African Americans it showed the perseverance and determination to have basic rights
  • Baptist Church bombing (Cultural and Social Impact)

    Baptist Church bombing (Cultural and Social Impact)
    On September 15, white supremacists bombed the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama while Sunday services were going on. Four young African American girls were killed during this explosion. This was the third church bombing in 11 days, after the federal government had ordered the integration of Alabama’s school system. This impacted the African Americans it showed the hatred others had for them. It also showed the injustice and no control.
  • Shirley Chisholm runs for president (Political Impact)

    Shirley Chisholm runs for president (Political Impact)
    Representative Shirley Chisholm of New York became an important figure for both movements as being the first major party as an African American candidate and also being the first female candidate for president of the United States. This impacted both the African Americans and women it showed that both African Americans and women can achieve(or get close) a high political title.
  • University of California v. Bakke (Social and Political Impact)

    University of California v. Bakke (Social and Political Impact)
    In June 1978, in Case of the University of California v. Bakke, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the using strict racial quotas was unconstitutional and that Bakke should be accepted. However this showed that organizations of higher education could legally use race as a rule in acceptance in order to ensure diversity in the organization. This impacted all Americans it showed how far organizations would go to ensure diversity.
  • Harold Washington Election (Political Impact)

    Harold Washington Election (Political Impact)
    Harold Washington was the first black mayor of Chicago. This impacted the African Americans and became a stepping stone for others. It showed that even people of color are capable of political roles.
  • Oprah Winfrey Rose to Fame (Social Impact)

    Oprah Winfrey Rose to Fame (Social Impact)
    In the 80s Oprah Winfrey rose to fandom. By starting in television news and then gaining her own morning talk show in Chicago. Then 2 years later The Oprah Winfrey Show launched and became the highest-rated TV show in history. This impacted African Americans in Hollywood since Oprah was the first major star in the show business.
  • LA Riots (Social and Political Impact)

    LA Riots (Social and Political Impact)
    California Highway Patrol officers attempted to pull over African American Rodney King. King led the officers on a high-speed chase when the officers finally caught up the Los Angeles police were on the scene. King was tazed and severely beaten however this was defended by the police who stated that he resisted arrest. This was broadcasted and sparked anger in the African American community who demanded that the officers were fired but the court deemed that the officers were innocent.
  • LA Riots (Social and Political Impact)

    LA Riots (Social and Political Impact)
    This caused an outrage and sparked the LA riots where 55 people were killed, 2.300 were injured, 1,000 buildings were burned the total cost of repairs was $1 billion. After 2 years King received $3.8 million from the city as settlement. This impacted the African Americans and the injustice they felt toward the police and racial profiling.
  • Million Man March (Social Impact)

    Million Man March (Social Impact)
    The million man march was to bring a spiritual renewal among men of color. It was to implant them with a sense of harmony and to improve their condition. It also was a platform to break the negative stereotype of people of color. It was the biggest march in Washington D.C history. This impacted both black and white Americans. People of color were breaking their stereotype while others were able to learn from this march.
  • Colin Powell becomes Secretary of State (Social and Political Impact)

    Colin Powell becomes Secretary of State (Social and Political Impact)
    Colin was the first African American to be the chairman of the Joint Chief of staff. Because of his high reputation George W. Bush appointed Colin as the Secretary of State. He became the first African American to serve as America's top diplomat. Also in 2008 he broke from the Republican party to endorse Barack Obama. This impacted African Americans who wanted to achieve similar to Colin.
  • Condoleezza Rice (Political Impact)

    Condoleezza Rice (Political Impact)
    Condoleezza became the first African American Woman to become Secretary of State. This was a political impact to African Americans and Women who wanted to reach such a political stand.
  • New Orleans Police Racial Profile African Americans (Political and Social Impact)

    New Orleans Police Racial Profile African Americans (Political and Social Impact)
    The US Justice Dept. accused the New Orleans Police Dept. of misconduct A report shows that officers had used racial profiling and used deadly force against 27 people. This was a social impact since it impacted many African Americans who were racially profiled.
  • Making the National Museum of African American History and Culture on the National Mall ( Social Impact)

    Making the National Museum of African American History and Culture on the National Mall ( Social Impact)
    Obama and others had took part in the making of the National Museum of African American History and Culture on the National Mall, that would be open in 2015. This is a social impact.