Dec 2, 1492
beggining of american slavery
Christopher Columbus makes his first voyage to the New World opening a vast new empire for plantation slavery. this impoacted African Americans because it was the beggining of hundreds of years of struggling to become free. -
Dec 1, 1522
African slaves stage a rebellion in Hispaniola. This is the first slave uprising in the New World. This impacted the african americans because it was the first time they fought back against opression. -
slavery for life
Maryland establishes slavery for life for persons of African ancestry. Now it is exlicitly stated that africans americans because they are african can be enslaved for their entire lives. -
Nathaniel Bacon
Nathaniel Bacon leads an unsuccessful rebellion of whites and blacks against the English colonial government in Virginia. one of the first white men to lead an organized rebelllion agaisnt slavery. impacting the histor of African Americans by showing that not all whites see them as lower. -
The African Free School
Free blacks in New York City found the African Free School, where future leaders Henry Highland Garnett and Alexander Crummell are educated. This is the first time any formal education is offered to African Americans impacting them to be able to become educated. -
Fredrick Douglas
Fredrick Douglas publishes an auto biography about his life growing up in slavery. This book impacted African Americans because it shpne a light on the horrors of slavery. -
Uncle Toms Cabin
"Uncle Toms Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe is published. A book about slavery on the south. So many people buy it and it is one of the major reasong the civil war occured. This impacted African Americans because it was the spark that led to the country to stand up for them and fight. -
Civil Rights Act
Congress passes the Civil Rights Act, which confers citizenship on African Americans and grants them equal rights with whites. Impacting them to have better lives although not truly eqaul lives until later in time. -
Jim Crow laws
Tennessee passes the first of the "Jim Crow" segregation laws, segregating state railroads. Other Southern states pass similar laws over the next 15 years. This negativly impacts african americans because it sets bac kthe progress of them being treated eqaully to whites. -
History of the Negro Race in America
Black historian George Washington Williams publishes his History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880, the first comprehensive and objective history of African Americans. This impacted African Americans because it allowed them for the first time to be able to speack to the masses of their horrors. -
Marcus Garvey
Black nationalist Marcus Garvey founds the Universal Negro Improvement Association in Jamaica, advocating black economic and political independence and the founding of a new homeland in Africa. The UNIA soon moves to the U.S. -
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks refuses to get up out of her bus seat starting a huge protest and unprising among African Americans who are sick of segragation and racism by boycotting bus systems for a year. This impacts the way african americans resist opression because they realize they can work together effectivly in large numbers. -
Four african American college students hold a sit-in to integrate a lunch counter in North Carolina. This impacted African Americans because sit-ins became a trend among segrageted lunch counters to get them integrated. -
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther Kings, Jr. delivers his "I Have a Dream" speec in the largest civil rights demonstartion ever. This impacted African Americans because it goes down in history as one of the best and most influentional speeches on not only civil rights but of all speeches. Martin Luther King, Jr. goes on to be one of the greatest leaders of all time. -
Eqaul Employment Oppurtunity Act
The Equal Employment Opportunity Act is passed, prohibiting job discrimination on the basis of, among other things, race, and laying the groundwork for affirmative action. This impacted African Americans by saying they could no longer be descriminated against when trying to get a job. -
Barack Obama
President Obama is elected as the first African American president signifying that African Americans are truly eqaul in the eyes of American people. -
Through out history Africans have faced many obsticals and adversties. They have truly perservered and come a long way through many difficult problems, The histroy of Africans and African Americans is very extensive and interesting. There philosophies have changed many time over time and have strived to anser many question.