African American Civil Rights

  • 14th Ammendment

    Grants Equal Protection under the law to everybody.
  • 15th Amendment

    Bans racial discrimination in voting
  • The NAACP is founded

    The NAACP is founded
    The NAACP ( National Association for Advancement of Colored People) is founded to help African Americans get jobs and to be treated fairly.
  • Segregation was outlawed in the US military

    Segregation was no longer legal in the Military
  • Brown V. The Board of Ed

    Brown V. The Board of Ed
    Outlaws segregation in public schools.
  • Bus Boycotts

    Bus Boycotts
    Bus Boycotts from Rosa Park's arrest for not giving up her seat to a white passenger.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Freedom Rides start in Washington D.C.
  • Malcolm X

    Malcolm X becomes the National Minister of the Nation of Islam.
  • I have A Dream Speech

    I have A Dream Speech
    Martin Luther King Jr's famous I Have A Dream speech delivered in Washington DC during a protest
  • First African American Supreme Court Member

    Thurgood Marshall becomes the first black member of the supreme court.
  • Congressional Black Caucus

    Congressional Black Caucus is established
  • NBFO is formed

    The National Black Feminist Organization is formed.
  • Miami Riots

    Miami Riots
    Miami Riots start which were considered the worst riots in US History since 1967.
  • BET launches

    Black Entertainment Television launches
  • First African American Astronaut

    First African American Astronaut
    Guion Bluford becomes the first African American in Space
  • The Color Purple wins Pulitzer Prize

    The Color Purple wins Pulitzer Prize
    The Color Purple written by poet Alice Walker wins Pulitzer Prize for Fiction Novels
  • The Cosby Show makes it Debut

    The Cosby Show makes it Debut
    The Cosby Show makes its debut on TV as the most successful series with a cast of African Americans.
  • MLK Day

    MLK Day becomes national holiday that celebrates and remembers Martin Luther King Jr as well as African American Civil Rights.
  • Los Angeles Riots

    Los Angeles Riots
    an estimated 8000 arrested, 2000 injured and 50 people murdered
  • Affirmative Action Is Abolished

    Affirmative Action is no longer needed in workplaces so it is abolished