Africa Timeline

  • 1501

    how did African slavery start

    the first enslaved africans arrived in Hispaniola in 1501. after the papal bull of 1493 they gave almost all of the new world to spain
  • wealth of silks

    the continent of Africa tried to attempt to reach a wealth of silks.
  • what year did the first slave arrive in America

    the first recored africans arrived in brattish North America in late august 1619.
  • who started with slavery?

    in 1619 twenty africans were brought to the English colony.
  • slavery

    did you know in the 1400s during the golden age of exploration and they Europeans.
  • who first started slavery?

    when did slavery start. slavery in America started in 1619 when a privateer in the white lion brought 20 African slaves.
  • what happen to slavery?

    slavery was a condition in which on human being was owned by other. a slave was considered by law.
  • what states did they ban slavery

    they banned Delaware, Georgia, Maryland,south Carolina.
  • what state has the most slaves in 1800

    when it was conducted on august 4, 1800 and it showed at that 5,308,483 people.
  • europeans

    by the early 1800s they were colonizing or taking over other country for the resources.
  • was there slavery in Jamaica?

    emancipation because of the loss of the property and life in the 1831 baptist.
  • did England have slaves

    slavery in great Britain existed and was recognized from before the roman occupation until the 12th century
  • was Lincoln a democrat

    Lincoln became a leader in the new republican party and has gained national attention on 1858 for debating national democrat.
  • how many union states had slaves?

    one of the 34 U.S states in the nineteen were free Staes and fifth teen were slave states.
  • when did slavery end

    slavery ended in 1863 because due to union measures such as the confiscation acts and emancipation proclamation.
  • what were slaves called?

    a slave name is the personal name given by others to an enslaved person.
  • who ended slavery

    the war ended in April 1865 and only about fifteen percent of the slaves had actually been freed when the war ended.
  • is slavery still in the constitution

    the thirteenth amendment to the United States of constitution.
  • what did the black codes do?

    what the black codes did were laws that passed in 1865 to 1866 by the southern states in the United States after the American civil war.
  • which colonies had slaves?

    defenders of slavery argued that the sudden end to the slave economy.
  • when did Puerto Rico abolish slavery

    throughout the years there many slaves revolts in the island. slaves were promised their freedom.
  • when did slavery end in Cuba?

    in 1886 as they recorded an a legal trade in document by 372,449 slaves were imported to Cuba before they traded again by 123,775.
  • when did slavery in Brazil end?

    Brazil was the last country in the western world to abolish slaver. by the time it was abolished.
  • inspired

    in the mid 1900 inspired by the events of world war 2 africans.
  • Egypt

    Egypt to gain control them.
  • independence

    countries that had been colonized were economically devastated.
  • freedom

    for freedom from great Britain. it took years but Kenya became independent in 1963.
  • Joseph Mobutu

    as a result in 1965 Jospeh Mobutu seized power. he renamed the country Zaire.
  • nigeria

    Nigeria suffered from violence among its many ethnic groups in 1976.
  • what country still has slavery?

    in north Korea the government forces many people to work for the state and both inside and outside North Korea itself sometimes for many years.