Africa from mid-to-late-20th Century

By Redalen
  • WWI breaks out in Europe

    European countries gather large amounts of soldiers from their colonies in Africa.
  • WWI end

    Returning soldiers are trained in combat and are now confident enough in their abilities to gain independence
  • National Party in South Africa rises to power

    This event paved the way for the apartheid regime. South Africa was under racial segregation under the all-white government of South Africa. This meant that non-white south Africans had to live in separate areas than the white. territoriality would be a good word to describe this event.
  • Egypt gains its independence

    Egypt finally gained its independence through a revolution. This was the first native Egyptian regime since 1171.
  • Libya becomes the first of the colonised states in Africa to gain its independence.

    Neocolonialism. They were finally able to gain economic independence and break free to strive on their own. They have come a long way.
  • The “year of Africa”

    Imperialism was common during this year as much of the former French colonial Empire was falling apart. As well as several British colonies also gained their independence this year. So many states gain independence this year.
  • The Organisation of African Unity is founded

    The point of this group was to fight against colonialism, keep territorial integrity, and better the lives of Africans in general.
  • The final countries gain its independence.

    Portugal was one of the first countries to colonize Africa and was also the last to leave as the final countries gain their independence.
  • The very last state to gain independence.

    Namibia is the last of the African states colonized by European powers. It finally gain its independence making it the last state to gain its independence over European countries.
  • South Africa has its first democratic elections

    This historical event marked the end of minority rule. It declared itself free from its colonizers and elected the first black president of the republic, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela