Declaration of Rights
Tried to free African people and give them their rights. -
Protest Organization
Founded by Kikuyu who went to Kenya. -
Kikuya effects on farmlands
Farmers founded Kikuyu association intending to block land confiscation. -
Young Kikuyu associationes
Harry Thuku created it to challenge European authorities -
Thuku arrested
Thuku got arrested -
The protest for Thuku
People wanted Thuku to be released from jail but the european authority killed 20 people -
King of Lagos
King of Logos, and of educated Africans wanted a democratic government. -
Lagos weekly Record
the newspaper carried on years campaign against colonial gov't -
Guerilla Warfare
Omar Mukthars used guerilla warfare against the Italians to defeat them for independence -
Independence Movement
Segal Leopold Senghor lead and Independence Movement -
Mukhtars death
When Mukthar died the movement he started just stopped instantly -
Facing Mount Kenya
The publication of the book Fcing Mount Kenya by Jomo Kenyatta argued that British were destroying the culture