
By BL8765
  • Period: 800 to 900

    Spread of Islam to Swahili Coast

    Led to a mixture of cultures and synthesis to create Swahili language as an example. Trade cities on coast like Mombasa and Kilwa eventually became weaker after the arrival of Europeans later on.
  • Period: 1226 to

    Mali Empire

    Had multiple Muslim kings after 1300, due to trans-Saharan trade between Middle East and Mali. Notable ruler Mansa Musa, who made hijra to Mecca and had effects on the price of gold due to his gift-giving, also attempted to make Timbuktu center of learning.
  • Period: 1526 to

    Atlantic Slave Trade

    Part of Triangular trade with manufactured goods from Europe going to Africa like guns and tools, slaves going from Africa to the Americas, and items like sugar and rice produced on plantations going back to Europe.
  • Dutch arrive in Africa

    Dutch arrive in Africa
    Notably arrived in the Cape of Good Hope in modern day South Africa, descendants became Boer peoples that would have conflicts with locals there.
  • Period: to

    Seven Years' War

    Led to British taking colonies of the French in West Africa, damaging the French economy.
  • Zulu War

    Zulu War
    Occurred during migration of Boer peoples away from Cape of Good Hope to get away from the British, when Boers stumbled upon Zulu tribe. The British were forced to help the Boer from getting destroyed, and defeated the Zulu to prevent their destruction.
  • Period: to

    Boer War

    Between Boer peoples and British after Boers would not submit to their rule, led to them agreeing in a treaty to submit. The British eventually pulled out anyway in 1961.
  • Period: to

    World War One

    Notably had the colonies of European countries fighting with their "mother country" to attempt to gain a promised "freedom" for fighting for said country.
  • Great Depression Start

    Great Depression Start
    Led to less export of of agricultural goods with led to economies being damaged, similar to was occurred in Latin America, due to both being export oriented.
  • Period: to

    World War Two

    Led to European countries losing hold on colonies located in Africa, with many states quickly becoming independent but not having the infrastructure to do so.
  • Period: to

    Cold War

    Became under influence of U.S and the U.S.S.R due to proxy wars fought in areas such as Ethiopia, albeit less notable then other proxy wars.
  • Nelson Mandela Released from Prison

    Nelson Mandela Released from Prison
    Marked the beginning of the end of Apartheid as the National Party was being forced to break down the system. Nelson Mandela became president in 1999, after the National Party had lost power.
  • Period: to

    Rwandan Genocide

    Occurred between majority Hutus and minority ruling Tutsi, with around 150,000 Tutsi perishing during the genocide, all due to both of these "classes" being created by the Belgian government while they had them as a colony in the past.