
  • 1400


    They learned of the Africa riches.
  • 1400


    The Sahara began trading with Europeans who had recently arrived on their coastlines.
  • 1500


    Africas started selling enslaved people for guns and other European goods.
  • 1500

    Trading posted

    Europeans started building trading posts on the Africa coastline.
  • Colonized

    Southern and Eastern Africa were also colonized.
  • slave outlaw

    The slave traded was mostly outlawed.
  • Powers

    Europeans power began actively colonizing Africa.
  • Africa

    The Africas regained there power over their own land.
  • Colonies

    Europeans had divided most Africas into colonies
  • Kikuyu

    They had a goal of getting independence from British.
  • Ethiopia

    The only place that was not colonized was Ethiopia it was invaded by Italy.
  • Independence

    Africas independence movement gained momentum.
  • Farmers

    They adopted apartheid a strict separation race.
  • South Africa

    Most Africas gain independence in 1950 and 1960 and it became in 1910
  • Sudan

    Southerners rebelled against northern rules.
  • Ghana

    They became independence.
  • Nigeria

    They became independence.
  • Belgium

    They started abruptly granted independence to the Belgium Congo.
  • ANC

    He was a leader and got jailed.
  • Kenyatta

    They led the new nation
  • Oil

    A oil rich regain opened up at Igbo
  • President

    He continued to protest prison president Africa's from 1989 and 1994 .
  • vote

    South Africas of all races voted for Mandela for president
  • Militia

    Many militia groups killed an estimate of a 1 million Tutsi.
  • People

    Many black farmers were killed.
  • Civil

    The wars raged until 2005 killed several million people.
  • Arab Springs

    The Arab Springs be gave in Tunisia
  • South sedan

    They became independence
  • Government

    A democratic government was put in place at that time.
  • Party

    The military imprisoned Morsi and banned his political party.