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Africa 2018

  • Violence in Nigeria

    Violence in Nigeria
    On January 8, it was reported that 83 people have died due to communal violence in Nigeria. The battle is between Muslim cattle herders and Christian farmers over the use of land.
  • South Africa Declares Drought a "National Disaster"

    South Africa Declares Drought a "National Disaster"
    South Africa has declared a national disaster over the drought afflicting southern and western regions including Cape Town, though the city pushed back its “Day Zero”, the date when its taps are expected to run dry. Running water in the port city of 4 million has been affected by a wider pattern of climate change seen around the country including the Western Cape, where Cape Town is located, the Northern Cape and Eastern Cape provinces.
  • Bologna Blamed for worst listeria outbreak in history

    Bologna Blamed for worst listeria outbreak in history
    A outbreak of Listeria has spread throughout Bologna. It is the worst Listeria outbreak killing 189 people. 982 people have also been affected by the Bologna.
  • Military Plane Crash Is Algeria’s Worst Air Disaster, With 257 Dead

    Military Plane Crash Is Algeria’s Worst Air Disaster, With 257 Dead
    The crash of a military transport plane that killed 257 people on Wednesday was Algeria’s deadliest ever, compounding the woeful air safety record of an insular country where there has been little accountability for such disasters in the past.
  • 45 Killed in Nigerian Village as Mass Killings Increase

    45 Killed in Nigerian Village as Mass Killings Increase
    Islamic insurgency, Boko Haram, killed 45 people and injured 12 in a village in northwestern Nigeria. Mass killings induced by Boko Haram have increased recently and have become shaken the countries security and political foundations.
  • Ethiopia to 'fully accept, implement' 2000 deal with Eritrea

    Ethiopia to 'fully accept, implement' 2000 deal with Eritrea
    Eritrea and Ethiopia have been at war since 1998 over a town that sits on the border between the two countries. Ethiopia has final made a boundary arbitration ruling.
  • Battle for the Nile

    Battle for the Nile
    The leaders of Egypt and Sudan have agreed to mend ties, frayed by repeated failures to reach a deal over an upstream Nile dam being built by Ethiopia, and the revival of a longstanding dispute over a border territory. In a two-day visit to Sudan, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi met with President Omar al-Bashir. By the end of the meeting, the two powers were able to resolve the issue, creating a bi-national committee to deepen cooperation and share the resources.
  • Killing of South African Farmers

    Killing of South African Farmers
    There was a seizure of farms and “large-scale killing of farmers” in South Africa. Many of these seizures were based on false information and lobbying. President Trump went on to post several controversial tweets after South African president, Cyril Ramaphosa, was accused of “seizing land from his own citizens without compensation because they are the wrong skin colour”, and called the action immoral. This conflict shows how reliant our society is on online media information and technology.
  • At Least 19 Killed in South Sudan Plane Crash

    At Least 19 Killed in South Sudan Plane Crash
    At least 22 people were aboard the flight from the capital Juba's international airport to the city of Yirol when it crashed. Several crashes have occurred in war-torn South Sudan in recent years. In 2017, four passengers were injured when a plane crashed into a truck trying to land in the city of Wau amid bad weather.
  • South Africa: Protest in Cape Town

    South Africa: Protest in Cape Town
    Civil society groups have called for a demonstration to take place in Cape Town on Wednesday, October 3, to denounce increasing crime and violent gang activity. A heightened security presence and associated transportation disruptions are anticipated in the vicinity of the march route.
  • Islamic State Terrorist Attack

    Islamic State Terrorist Attack
    In Benghazi, Libya, at least nine security service members were killed in a suspected Islamic State group attack in a Southeastern Libyan town. Eleven other people including civilians and a security chief were also kidnapped by members of the extremist group.
  • Two farmers killed by gang in South African town

    Two farmers killed by gang in South African town
    On December 18, 2018 in a farm town in South Africa, 2 men were killed. It is alleged that at about 9 am a farmer and his son were killed while working on their property. A gang of 10 men came to their shop and farm acting as if they wanted to buy something, demanded cash, and ended up killing both of the workers.