Afghanistan Timeline

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    King Zahir Shah.

    From 1933-1973 Afghanistan was ruled by King Zahir Shah. Amir and Hassan were born in 1963 and Hassa inspires Amir to write. "Someday, Inshallah, you will be a great writer," Hassan said. "And people all over the world will read your stories." (Hosseini 33) 10 years later King Zahir dies and Mohammad Daoud Khan seized power.
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    winter of 1975

    After Mohammad Daoud Khan seized power, in the winter of 1975 Amir and Hassan win the kite contest, and Hassan gets raped by Assef. "Hassan didn't struggle. Didn't even whimper." (Hosseini 75) A year after that incident, Ali and Hassan leave and Mohammad Daoud Khan was violently overthrown by the PDPA. Through 1979 The Soviet Union invades.
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    Afghanistan to United States

    Amir and Baba flee Afghanistan and make their way to the US in 1980. "America was different. America was a river, roaring along, unmindful of the past." (Hosseini 136) Amir graduates high school in 1983 and a year later meets his wife, Soraya. They get married a year after Baba's death in 1986. In 1988 Amir publishes his first novel and 2 years later Hassan's son, Sohrab, was born.
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    Hassan's Death

    The Mujahideen formed the Northern Alliance to fight against and defeat the Taliban and the leader of the Northern Alliance was assassinated 2 days later, Al Qaeda launched its attack in 2001 while Rahim Khan called Amir to get Hassan's son after Hassna and his wife was killed by the Taliban "Why me? Why can't you pay someone here to go?" (Hosseini 221) The same year the US believed the leader of Al Qaeda was hiding in Afghanistan, United States attacked to find him
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    The end of Kite Runner occurs in 2002 with the first time Sohrab smiling and Amir and he both fly a kite."Do you want me to run that kite for you" "For you, thousand times over," I heard myself say?" (Hosseini 371) It was not until 2004 the president of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani was elected and human rights/violence weaken the government of Afghanistan. In 2011, US troops and CIA agents found Osama Bin Laden originally from Saudi Arabia, was found and killed in Pakistan.