Afghanistan Timeline

  • Mohammed Daoud Khan overthrew Mohammed Zahir Shah by declaring himself President.

  • Militiants loyal to PDPA attacked the Presidential Palace and killed Mohammed Daoud Khan.

  • The PDPA put it's leader, Nur Muhammed Taraki, in power.

  • A rebellion against the new government was formed in the Naristan Province.

  • A treaty was signed with the Soviets that allowed soldiers to be deployed.

  • Taraki was murdered by the Prime Minister's, Hafizallah Amin, supplies

  • The Soviets deployed into Afganistan after fearing the fall of the Amin regime.

  • Soviets occupied major buildings in Kabul and executed Amin.

  • The Soviets signed the Green Accords, whcih included giving them limited time in Afghanistan

  • The last Soviets left the country.

  • Civil war started in Afghanistan

  • Jamiat-e Islami leader, Burhanuddin Rabbani, took over presidency.

  • The Durand line treaty expired, but Pakistan refused to give back the land

  • The Taliban Gov. starts to form a small village between Lashkar Gah and Khandahar

  • The Taliban started a military campaign agaisnt Kabul

  • Taliban tortured and killed the Hazara people's leader, Abdul Ali Mazari

  • The ISA's forces retreat to the northern Afghanistan

  • The Taliban conquered Kabul and enlisted the IEA. The former president was killed

  • The U.S. Navy fired cruise missles into four IEA training camps

  • The Taliban captured Mazar-e Sharif

  • Ahmad Shah Massoud was killed in a suicide bomb attack

  • George W. Bush ordered the Taliban hand over Osama Bin Laden

  • Taliban refuse

  • Operation enduring freedom started

  • The U.N. authorized the creation of the ISAF to provide security

  • Hamid Karzai was chosen as the head of the AIA

  • Hamid Karzai was appointed as President

  • A 502-person council was held to discuss a new Afghan constitution