

  • 652

    Arabs introduce ISLAM

    Arabs introduce ISLAM
    The father of Abu Hanifa, Thabit bin Zuta, was a native from modern-day Afghanistan. He immigrated to Kufa (in Iraq), where Hanifa was born. Later, the Samanids propagated Sunni Islam deep into the heart of Central Asia, as the first complete translation of the Qur'an into Persian occurred in the 9th century.
  • 1219

    Genghis Khan Invades...

    Genghis Khan Invades...
    After overcoming some difficulties at first, Genghis Khan mercilessly defeated and conquered the well-protected cities of neighboring empires. By 1209, the dreaded Genghis Khan was acknowledged by the Tangut emperor as the reigning lord of this region. Genghis Khan continued to annihilate the various dynasties until these empires were under his domain. Less than 10 years later, by 1218, the Mongol Empire was extensive and spread from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf.
  • Modern Nation Founded

    Modern Nation Founded
    Landlocked and mountainous, Afghanistan has suffered from such chronic instability and conflict during its modern history that its economy and infrastructure are in ruins, and many of its people are refugees.
  • The Great Game- Russian and British Empires battle for power and control

    The Great Game- Russian and British Empires battle for power and control
    "The Great Game" was a political and diplomatic confrontation that existed for most of the nineteenth century between the British Empire and the Russian Empire over Afghanistan and neighbouring territories in Central and Southern Asia.From 1813-1907
  • Amunallah forced to abdicate throne.

    Amunallah forced to abdicate throne.
    Amanullah's domestic reforms were no less dramatic than his foreign policy initiatives, but those reforms could not match his achievement of complete, lasting independence. Mahmoud Beg Tarzi, Amanullah's father-in-law, encouraged the monarch's interest in social and political reform but urged that it be gradually built upon the basis of a strong army and central government, as had occurred in Turkey under Kemal Atatьrk. Amanullah, however, was unwilling to put off implementing his changes.
  • Daoud Khan overthrows monarchy and becomes the first president of Afghanistan

    Mohammad Daud Khan, (born July 18, 1909, Kabul, Afghanistan—died April 27, 1978, Kabul), Afghan politician who overthrew the monarchy of Mohammad Zahir Shah in 1973 to establish Afghanistan as a republic. He served as the country’s president from 1973 to 1978.
  • People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) kill Daoud Khan and his family

    People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) kill Daoud Khan and his family
    After his overthrow and assassination, Afghanistan plunged into a civil war that since then never ended.
  • Human Rights Watch released a report on allegations of abuse and criminal activity by ALP members...

    Human Rights Watch released a report on allegations of abuse and criminal activity by ALP members...