Kite Runner & The History of Afghanistan

  • Hassan's Birth

    Hassan was born "in the winter of 1964" one year after Amir's mom died giving birth to him (Hosseini 6). Hassan's birth was in the little servants shack on Baba's land. Hassan's birth left Ali a very happy father.
  • Hassan's cleft lip

    Baba's respect for Hassan led him to fix Hassan's cleft lip, "my job is to fix things on people's bodies" said Dr Kumar (Hosseini 45). Baba feels responsible for Hassan's cleft lip because he slept with Sonobar. Amir feels that Baba appreciates Hassan more than him.
  • Khan's New Constitution

    Khan "proposes a new constitution that grants women rights" the constitution renewed the look on women for the very communist country.
  • Period: to

    Kite Runner

  • Hassan gets raped

    Amir says "I ran because I was afraid Asseff would do the same to me...I was a coward"(Hosseini 77). Amir is dissatisfied with his actions because Hassan always stood up for him. Amir's decision to run haunts him for the rest of his life.
  • Hassan And Amir's fight

    Amir's anger overflowed at Hassan because of his actions on the day of the rape, "I pelted him again and again" said Amir (Hosseini 92). Amir is angry at Hassan because he acted as a coward. Amir feels angry at himself for acting as a coward, so he takes his anger out on Hassan.
  • Hassan and Ali leave

    The night of Amir's 13th birthday party Hassan and Ali confront Baba saying "we cant live here anymore"(Hosseini 106). Hassan had came clean to Ali about the fights he had been having with Amir. Ali and Baba both know that Hassan would never lie so Ali took his word.
  • America Cuts Ties with Afghanistan

    The reason America stopped sending recources to Afghanistan is because "American Ambassador Adolph Dubs is killed" (
  • Kamal's Death

    Immediately after the Afghan refuges made it to their destination, Kamal stopped breathing, then Kamal's father "shoved the barrel in his mouth"(Hosseini 124). Since Russia had invaded Kabul, Kamal was all his father had. His father had nothing to live for so he decided to bring himself to the same place as Kamal.
  • The Soviet, Afghan War

    Afghans fled from Afghanistan to Irac leaving "Afghan guerrillas gain control of rural areas, and Soviet troops hold urban areas." (
  • Amir graduates High school

    Amir graduated High-School pushing him in the right direction towards his writing career, Baba is very satisfied with Amir, so he bought him a car "It was a Gran Torino, Navy Blue" (Hosseini 133). Baba gave Amir a car to show how proud he was of him. This car is and old car, but it is the kind act that Amir appreciates.
  • Osama Bin Laden's surface

    Osama Bin Laden's first documented trip to Afghanistan was to " aid anti-Soviet fighters." (
  • Baba's death

    Baba decided to end his suffering and not take his medicine, he lied to Amir saying "There is no pain tonight" (Hosseini 173). Baba had seen Amir grow up and marry a nice women so he felt like he was no longer needed on the earth. Baba ended his suffering because he knew that Amir had grown up.
  • Al-Quida

    Osama Bin Laden and 15 accomplices "formed the group al-Qaida" which later showed a major threat to the U.S. (
  • Sohrab Name is evolved

    Sohrab was named after Hassan and Amir's favorite book, "Sohrab was his long-lost son"(Hosseini 29). Sohrab is the long lost son in both The Kite Runner and in the fictional story. This shows early on that a long lost person will be found.
  • The Taliban bans kite flying

    The Taliban "Banned kite fighting"(Hosseini 213), because they wanted to feel in total control of the people. The Taliban ware a group that show total control over the Afghan population. The Taliban rules many parts of Afghanistan.
  • Al-Quidas' bombings

    After the "bombings of two American embassies in Africa" President Clinton ordered missile attacks against Al-Quida training camps. (
  • Bin Laden's Status

    After Bin Laden's attacks he became considered "considered an international terrorist".(
  • Hassan's death

    As Amir and Rahmi Khan catch up, Hasan asks how Hassan is and Rahmi Khan responds with "shot him in the back of the head"(Hosseini 219). The Taliban drove Hassan out of his house and shot him. This Angers Amir because he felt the need to atone to Hassan, but he died.
  • Competing Religions to Muslim

    The Taliban put 8 international Aid workers on trial after convicting them of spreading Christianity, they wer sentenced under the Taliban rule, "Under Taliban rule, proselytizing is punishable by death." (
  • Sohrab almost bleeds to death

    Sohrab decided to attempt suicide left Amir scared, as he thought "the left arm dangling over the side of the tub, the blood-soaked razor sitting on the toilet tank"(Hosseini 347-348). Sohrab attempted suicide because he did not want to go back to the place he had been before. He felt dirty and intruded because of what the Taliban did to him.
  • Sohrab's smile

    Sohrab had been through so much that it had become achallenge for him to feel happiness, "It was a smile, nothing more" said Amir (Hosseini 371). Amir offered to fetch the kite for Sohrab, imediately after Sohrab let out a little smile. Amir had been unable to communicate with Sohrab, so such a small act like a smile meant so much to Amir.
  • The Taliban's attack in America

    Taliban suicide bombers "commandeer four commercial airplanes and crash them into the World Trade Center Towers" causing much death, injury, and grief. (
  • Khan's death

    Khan's decision to change the constitution lead to his death by "Nur Mohammad Taraki, one of the founding members of the Afghan Communist Party".