Affective Computing Timeline

  • 3500 BCE

    Stone Tools

    Stone Tools
    Stone tools were used over many millennia and were a huge step towards the modern world. They allowed ancient people to scrape meat and skin off of bone and slay animals twice their size. It allowed them to continue living and survive in a harsher time.
  • Office Assistant

    Office Assistant
    Office Assistant was supposed to be able to ready the intent of the use and offer help. Help came in the form of an animated paper clip named Clippit, though many just called him Clippy. Clippy would pop up if you wrote the word "dear" and ask if you were writing a letter, though often times you were not in fact writing a letter. He was "too helpful".
  • MindReader

    Created by Rana el Kaliouby for her doctoral project in 2004, MindReader was a pair of glasses with an outward facing webcam. They detected the listeners facial expressions and gave feedback to the wearer in real time. It was correct 88% of the time. At the time it was thought to be able to help Autistic people read emotions better since emotion blindness is common among autistics.
  • Affdex

    Affdex is a facial analyzer. Emotion can be different across different cultures so Affectiva has many."Specifically, we use for training and testing our models a large-scale dataset consisting of thousands of videos, that were captured at different recording conditions". Their newer model has more sensors and better face tracking.
  • Pepper

    Pepper was a robot created by SoftBank Robotics, she was marketed as "the worlds first commercially available social machine". On June 5, 2014 the first batch of 1,000 units sold out in just 60 seconds. Pepper is still used as a receptionist at several offices in the UK and is able to identify visitors with the use of facial recognition and send alerts for meeting organizers. Pepper is able to chat autonomously to prospective clients.
  • Holograms

    I predict that sometime in the near future we will have holograms of some sort. Some institutes are already working on creating holograms of some sort. We see holograms all the time in movies but I think it will become a reality sooner than later.
  • Flying Cars

    Flying Cars
    In 100 years flying cars will be normal, who needs roads anymore? Highways in the sky are lined with holographic stoplights and other signs. Billboards float to the side of these skyways and show ads for the newest flying car model.