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Affective computing timeline

  • The first technology

    The first technology
    The art of creating a stone knife from chipping away at a stone from another stone is considered one of the first technologies. According to Yonck, it was passed down for millions of years and enabled the survival and expansion of our species. (When I put it so far back in time it threw off how the whole timeline looked so lets put it in the 70s for fun.)
  • Rosalind Picard works on projects at MIT

    Rosalind Picard works on projects at MIT
    Picard worked to help develop image modeling and content based retrieval systems.
  • The need for emotion to be calculated into the continuing development of AI is recognized

    The need for emotion to be calculated into the continuing development of AI is recognized
    Artificial intelligence was continuing to advance but it was running into difficulties. Rosalind Picard came on the scene and began to explore how emotion could be used and worked into AI.
  • Picard publishes the book titled Affective Computing

    Picard publishes the book titled Affective Computing
    The book effectively launched the an entire field of science focused on affective computing
  • Hiroshi Ishiguro comes out with his first robot

    Hiroshi Ishiguro comes out with his first robot
    Ishiguro in partnership with Kokoro made a robot that looked just like Ishiguro himself. As the article from Robots Guide says that this robot can even breath and blink. It cost $1 million to make. It is so life like, but it scared us a little bit. See the discussion on the uncanny valley. This accomplishment is a feat of art and science.
  • Debut of Zeno

    Debut of Zeno
    Zeno is a robot being used in autism research. According to Robots.NU, Zeno is "ideal for therapies that focus on emotion and social relationships." He can be expressive and interactive and he is being used for diagnosis and treatment of Autism.
  • Robots used in the military

    Robots used in the military
    Robots are being used in the military for many purposes. This particular robot is called Jerry Spinger by its teammates and it is used to deliver and defuse bombs. Robots used in the military have been able to save lives. Yonck talks about how the people who work with them have anthropomorphized them and formed attachments with them.
  • Affectiva is Launched

    Affectiva is Launched
    Picard and el Kalioby launched their first company called Affectiva. This company was "one of the first companies that sought to leverage affective computing technologies for commercial use" (Yonck, pg 66).
  • Exploring the uncanny valley

    Exploring the uncanny valley
    In 2011, Disney film called Mars Needs Moms was released, soon failing because of the Uncanny Valley. As an article from Verwell Mind says, the term was first used by a Japanese roboticist named Masahiro Mori. This effect was displayed in the failure movie Final Fantasy as well.
  • Empatica, Inc. merger

    Empatica, Inc. merger
    Physiio and Empactica Srl merge to form Empactica, Inc.
  • Pepper is released

    Pepper is released
    Aldebaran, a French robotics company, released the robot named Pepper. An article by Todd Tobe from 2014 says, "The latest creation from Aldebaran Robotics, Pepper, is designed to live with humans. It doesn’t clean or cook but it talks, is mobile, can read emotions, and reacts autonomously to 'make people happy.'" This is known as the first commercially available sociable robot.
  • Period: to


    Jibo was announced in 2014. According to FC, It crowed sourced $73 million and used it quickly in research and development. Before it was discontinued, it said goodbye and did a little dance as shown in the video here.
  • Computer Shooting

    Computer Shooting
    A man completely exasperated with his computer takes it out into the street and shoots it. This incident demonstrated the need for emotionally in-tune technology.
  • Apple buys Emotient

    Apple buys Emotient
    It is unknown how much they paid. The reason for the accusation is not known for sure. It is speculated that they did this to improve Siri (Yonck, pg. 75).
  • Apple Vison Pro

    Apple Vison Pro
    This technology is already out, but I could see it being used more extensively in 20 years. It may become normal to see people walking around with these on. They can be used for everything from FaceTime to watching movies to recording videos. In addition, with all the affective computing advancements, these goggles could be even more powerful than they are now. I found this video interesting.
  • Robots in the class room

    Robots in the class room
    Possibly sometime in the future, all our educating will be done by robots. That time is far off, but it is a real possibility. For now, they will be increasingly used as aids. However, the advantaged of specialized tutoring and education could be implemented on a large scale.