Affective Computing

  • 3500 BCE

    First Piece of Technology

    First Piece of Technology
    Knapping is known as the first piece of technology created by humans. It is believed to have been created in 3500 BCE. Knapping is the process of shaping stone into a scraping or cutting tool. These tools may not seem like a piece of technology in this day and age, but back then nobody had ever seen such a piece of technology. Goes to show how much we have developed today.
  • Punch Card System

    Punch Card System
    The first punch card system was created to help the government save money when calculating the 1890 consensus. It took many years to complete, but in the end he was able to save the government $5 million. We use punch card systems still today which shows how significant that invention was at the time it was created. Herman Hollerith (the inventor) eventually turned his company into the widely known company of IBM.
  • First Modern Computer

    First Modern Computer
    Douglas Engelbart introduced the first modern computer equipped with a mouse and a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The GUI is essentially what we call a "computer screen" today. This was obviously a huge invention for technology as it gave people a reason to want a computer. They could actually interact with the screen by using the mouse.
  • Rosalind Picard

    Rosalind Picard
    Rosalind published a book noting the new developments in artificial intelligence and technology. Rosalind was the lead of the affective computing research team at MIT. She studied the possibility of robots or technology in reading emotions of humans.
  • Robot Companion

    Robot Companion
    IN the near future I believe the development of affective computing will lead us to having an actual robot be our companion. I think people will like having a robot to talk to them and listen. People are so against face to face conversations because it makes them uncomfortable and feel like they are being judged. So having a robot to talk to would take those feelings away for people.
  • Robotic Army

    Robotic Army
    I think we will advance so much in the next 100 years that we will be able to hold an army full of robots. We will no longer have to risk the lives of humans. I also think we will find a way to lower costs of making robots so this is feasible. We also will need much less troops than we currently have because of the level of skill and armor each robot will be equipped with.