Video games profile

Advances in Video Games

  • First video game made

    First video game made
    The first video game was made on October 1958.
  • The next big video game.

    The next big video game.
    This video game was made in 1961. It was Called Spacewar.
  • The first game that could be played on a television.

    The first game that could be played on a television.
    The first game designed to be played on a television in 1966
  • The first game to dectact light on TV screen.

    The first game to dectact light on TV screen.
    This game was made in 1967
  • The first arcade game

    The first arcade game
    The first game to be turned into an arcade game. This game was made in 1970
  • The first video game made in the 1980s

    The first video game made in the 1980s
    This is the first video game made in 1980. It was designed to be an arcade game.
  • First game made in the 1990s

    First game made in the 1990s
    This game was created in 1990.
  • Playstation

    This game was made in 2000.
  • The lastest upgrade on video games

    The lastest upgrade on video games
    Microsoft acquires Mojang and its immensely popular indie brick-building game, Minecraft, which Swedish creator Markus Persson debuted in 2009.