Advances in telescopes

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  • Hans Lippershey

    Hans Lippershey
    He invented the first telescope.
  • Galileo

    He found that the sun is the middle of the galaxy and everything revolves around it. Theres moons that revolve around jupiter and he found that there were other plants.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    He made a new telescope and it was the reflector telescope but he couldnt get it perfect because of the blurriness. He studied the light threw prisms to try to find a better result for his telescope.
  • Willian Herschel

    Willian Herschel
    He built large telescopes based on what Isaac Newton tried doing, he figured out that the telescopes need to be way bigger so he made huge telescopes with reflectors (mirrors). He discovered Uranus and that we live in a galaxy.
  • Hale

    He made a telescope not made of glass becasue of how big the telescope he built, glass wouldnt be able to last and he made the biggest telescope and Edwin Hubble figured out that theres more galaxies then just ours using the telescope.
  • Mount Wilson Observatory

    Mount Wilson Observatory
    The telescope was put on the top of Mt. Wilson for a clearer image. This telescope help discover nebulea and helped understand that we are not the only galaxy.
  • Edwin Hubble

    Edwin Hubble
    Edwin Hubble used the Mt. WIlson telescope to discover red shift which later led to help discover The Big Bang Theory.
  • Penzius and Wilson

    Penzius and Wilson
    Penzius and Wilson made a telescope that detected radio and microwaves.This is how Cosmic Background Radiation was discovered and it was the first physical evidence of the Big Bang.
  • The Hubble space telescope

    The Hubble space telescope
    The Hubble space telescope was the first telescope into space. It goes around the universe taking pictures of things to help us better understand outer space. It has discovered so many things and still is.
  • Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe

    Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
    The WMAP measured differences across the sky in temperature.
  • Kepler telescope

    Kepler telescope
    The Keper telescope is in space and is on the seach to try to answer more of our unknown questions.