The Big Bang theory.
An explosive force caused the launch of matter throughout the universe, creating galaxys, planets, suns, solar systems, and moons. This was the very first start of what caused us to be. -
Period: to
The Beginning of Everything
Birth Of Our Solar System
At this time, our solar system finally was formed. the different orbits of every planet and every separate moon were finally set. Each planet started to cool from the big bang. -
Start of Precambrian Time
first actual organisms started to be discovered, minor and basic plantlife first born. Single cellular animals first formed. -
Start of Cambrian time
animals start showing signs of evolution, and other species begin to become. plantlife also starts to show signs of evolution and change. -
Start of Ordovician Time
First amphibian life form fossils discovered. Large trees and lakes start to form inland. -
Start of the Silurian period
different minerals start to be discovered. oceanlife starts to evolve and become more advanced. -
Start of the Devonian Period
tree rooting plants start to become. forests aqnd different climates begin to prosper. -
Start of the Mississippian Epoch
Start of Pennslyvania epoch
First animals to cause peat and oil in our time roamed during the pennslyvanian epoch. Plants and animals show evolution as well as elevation and climate differences. -
Start of Permian Period
The Permian period is the end of the Paleozoic period and many important changes happened during this time. Pangea is formed and a mass extinction of many species marks the end of the paleozoic era. -
Start of Triassic Period
The Triassic period is the start of the reign of Dinosaurs. Ammonites become common, and cyads and conifers become common. And the first mammals are discovered. -
Start of the Mesozoic Era
The mesozoic era lasted for 105 million years. This era is broken up into three periods, The Triassic Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. These periods consist of the evolution of Dinosaurs. -
Start of the Jurassic Period
Dinosaurs become dominant on Earth. Birds and flying reptiles are starting to appear. -
Start of Cretaceous Period
modern birds and flowering plants appear, mass extinctions of species mark the end of the mesozoic Era -
Start of the Cenozoic Era
The most modern era is the cenozoic era. The Cenozoic era is broken up into two periods, the Tertiary and Quaternary. These two periods are broken down even further, into seven specific epochs. -
Paleocene Epoch 7A.M.
The age of mammals begin, First primate fossils found during this time. earth comes near to its modern states. -
Eocene Epoch 9 A.M.
the first horses, flying squirrels, pigs, boars and deer are found from this epoch. animals evolve much more. flower bearing plants flourished. -
Oligocene Epoch 12 P.M.
the very first canines, deer, and many other species came to be. -
Miocene Epoch 1 P.M.
Grazing herds are abundant, racoons and wolves appear. -
Pliocene Epoch 8 P.M.
larger carnivore fossils found at this time, bear and lion fossils first found around this time. earth near's its modern state. -
Pleistocene Epoch 11:30 P.M.
first humanlike beings found, as well as whooly mammoths. animals similar to what roam about nowadays. -
Holocene epoch 11:59 P.M.
the last ice age ends and modern human comlexity begins. in other words, earth as we've known it to be.