Advancements Seen in the Modern World

  • 3000 BCE

    Creation of Cuneiform

    Creation of Cuneiform
    Cuneiform was created by the Mesopotamians. It was a major advancement that would lead to literature in the future. It started as simple symbols but eventually evolved into what we see today. Written language is seen all over the world in everything we do. We see it in books, texting, signs, menus, and especially in school. Written language is very important for communicating with each other in our world today.
  • 2340 BCE

    Sargon the Great's first empire

    Sargon the Great's first empire
    Sargon the Great conquered almost all of Mesopotamia's major cities and united them under a single empire. Empires continued to be a thing after Sargon and this unity is the first advancement towards the governments and countries we see today. Our organization of the modern world has been largely influenced by these early empires and the evolution of them.
  • 650 BCE

    First coins

    First coins
    The first coins were made by the Lydians in 650 BC. They used clumps of gold and silver for coins and called them shekels. This revolutionized the economy back then and we can really see the effects today. Our economy is very developed and currency is used by everyone. We need money in order to buy food, water, and shelter so the invention of coins is hugely seen in the modern world.
  • 585 BCE

    Earthquakes explained

    Earthquakes explained
    Thales of Miletus was a Greek scientist who came up with a new theory about earthquakes. Originally, earthquakes were seen as a punishment from the Gods, but Thales explained that earthquakes were the result of the land on earth floating on the ocean and sloshing around. This was a huge step to figuring out what earthquakes really are. The reason this is so important in the modern day is because we are now able to prepare our buildings and our world to be safer from them.
  • 447 BCE

    The Golden Ratio

    The Golden Ratio
    The golden ratio is a mathematical concept used in architecture. It is believed to make things appealing to the eye. We can see the golden ratio everywhere today in art and architecture. It was a way for the Greeks to make their beautiful buildings such as the Parthenon of Athens, and we see it being used today as well.
  • 410 BCE

    The socratic method

    The socratic method
    The Socratic method was a method of learning made by Socrates. It works by a teacher asking the student a series of questions so the student can find gaps in the answer and come to a more logical one. This is seen in a lot of education today such as in law and in the medical field. It is also a great way for people to come to a consensus about a certain topic. His method is a great method of finding the most logical truth and that is why it is still used today.
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The printing press was made by Johannes Gutenburg. This was an astounding invention. It allowed literature and bibles to be mass produced. This increased literacy and helped spread Christianity. It also helped that these books started being written in the vernacular. We see the evolution of the printing press in the modern world starting with type writers all the way to digital printers. This was a huge advancement that gave a foundation for a lot of technology today.
  • 1480


    I think this was a big advancement in humanity. It completely changed the way humans viewed themselves and each other. Instead of seeing humanity as cruel and weak, it started being seen as inherently beautiful. This affected the reformation because many people strayed from the rules of the church. But, it allowed people to have a strong sense of self and to be proud of who they were and what they could do with their lives.
  • 1490

    European Exploration

    European Exploration
    Exploration of the Americas by the Europeans was a very big advancement. It is the reason we are able to be here today. If the Europeans didn’t explore and find the Americas, who knows when it would have happened, and if we would even exist. So many trade goods were brought to America and taken from America to be brought to Europe. They colonized the Americas and started lots of new trade routes.
  • 1517

    The Protestant Reformation

    The Protestant Reformation
    The protestant reformation was a huge shift in power and thinking. Most everyone was Catholic and under control of the Popes, but Martin Luther disagreed with indulgences and spoke out. He ended up created Lutheranism, a whole new denomination, and he gained lots of followers. Soon after this Calvinism was made and more people began to change their beliefs and split off into other denominations. I actually think the idea of humanism could have helped with this too.