
Advance technology is helping to decline crime rate, also it is useful to clarify and avoid this


    Nowadays, tecchnology is one of most important part
    or our life, advance technology has helped to the wordl
    advance too, for that reason every day more national
    istitutions are using technology, in our spesific topic we
    are going to talk how the goverment is using that for
    clarifyin and avoiding the crime ans also how much has
    decline the rate of crime.
  • Body 1

    State entities are using anvadce technology to
    catch criminal and also using that to proof the
    guilty of a person in a crime; another way that
    how state is using is putting a gadget a person
    to track he/she to control his/her movements.
  • Body 2

    In the other hand The gouvernment use
    thechnology in a wrong way, Why, if they
    can do everithing that thinck is useful?,
    yes, that ist true, but some practices are
    illegal, e.g. To track, to Follow, to hear
    people without their permisions.
  • Conclusion

    Technology is vey importan en our life, we can
    feel more security if gouverment use that to help
    us, but also if they use that in wrong way we are
    going to feel like criminals too, rate crime has
    declined but also we have lost our privacity.