Adulthood Timeline

  • Graduate High School

    Say goodbye to good memories and move on!
  • Period: to

    ASN at TCC

    Prepare to take and pass the NCLEX-RN exam.
  • Period: to

    ASN at ECPI

    Prepare to take and pass the NCLEX-RN exam.
  • Graduate from Nursing School

    Graduate and get ready to get a specialization certificate.
  • Period: to

    Work as a Registered Nurse

    Gain experience in Labor & Delivery.
  • Get Inpatient Obstetric Nursing Certification for L&D

    Begin working as a Labor & Delivery Nurse!
  • Live independently

    Rent an apartment.
  • Move to Florida

    Move and settle down in Miami with cousin and work at her clinic.
  • BSN in Nursing

    Get my BSN online for higher income.
  • Buy a House

    Buy a house in Florida.
  • Credit Score

    Maintain a good credit score.
  • Get Married

    Settle down somewhere.
  • Become a Nurse Practitioner

    Enroll in a graduates program and become a NP.
  • Period: to


  • Buy a house in Puerto Rico

    Buy a house for myself or my parents.
  • Visit Family

    Visit family often while traveling.
  • Prepare for the golden years.

    Balance out life.
  • Financial Security

    Make sure my hard word has payed off.