adolf hitler timeline

  • Adolf hitler was born

    He was born in Brounau in Austria by his parents, Alois hitler and Klara hitler.
  • when hilter was leader

    when he was leader, Hawaii was being over thrown by americans
  • He was the Leader of the Nationalists party

    Adolf became the leader of the nationalists party by the Nazi party being centered in Munich
  • The great War occurs

    the great war happens and Hitler gets affected by it and gets wounded by the war
  • hitler voted chancellor

    parliamentary support determined who should be chancellor of germany
  • offices and president and chancellor combined in htiler

    Heinrich Bruning, for Franz von Papen, who was willing to appease the Nazis by lifting the ban on Hitler’s Brown Shirts and unilaterally canceling Germany’s reparation payments, imposed by the Treaty of Versailles at the close of World War I.But Hitler was not appeased. He wanted the chancellorship for himself.
  • Hitler denounces the clauses of the versailles settlement

    Hitler denounces the clauses of the Versailles settlement limiting the size of Germany's armed forces
  • Hitler proclaimed the Anschluss

  • Poland is invaded

    Hitler invaded Poland.On this day in 1939, German forces bombard Poland on land and from the air, as Adolf Hitler seeks to regain lost territory and ultimately rule Poland. World War II had begun.
  • Hitler sets up death camps

    Hitler sets the death camps
  • Hitler dies

    Hitler dies in his home with his wife the day after his wedding