Adolf Hitler's Timeline

By ocfoley
  • Hitler's Birth

    Hitler's Birth
    Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 at Braunau-am-Inn. He was the fourth child out of six to parents Alois and Klara Hitler. During Hitler's young life he was very poor. This event is significant because this was the start of Hitler's life. ("Hitler" Encyclopedia Americana 246-249) ("Adolf Hitler Biography"
  • Ford Motor

    Ford Motor
    Henry Ford and the other stockholders at Ford Motor Company signed the official papers in Detroit on June 16,1903 for a new corporation. Twelve stockholders were on the forms and the papers were sent to Michigan that day. The following day the company was officially incorporated. This event is significant because even though the company did have some fails in the beginning they were able to overcome them and have a long road of success to this day.
    (“Ford Motor Company Incorporated”
  • Hitler Moves

    Hitler Moves
    In February of 1908 when Hitler was 17 he moved to Vienna because on January 14, 1907 Hitler's mother died of cancer. Hitler's plan was to attend Vienna Academy of Fine Arts when he moved. He applied to the school twice and after being rejected both times he gave up on that dream. This is significant because his rejection of art lead to him pursuing his next dream. ("Adolf Hitler Timeline"
  • Armory Show

    Armory Show
    The Armory Show took place from February 17 to March 15,1913 in New York City.It is known as the International Exhibition of Modern Art.The exhibit marked the dawn of modernism in America. On opening night over 4,000 guest arrived.Two-thirds of the paintings were by American artists and the rest by European artists.This event is significant because the show brought in many viewers and displayed beautiful pieces of art that is famous to the world. ("Armory Show That Shocked America In 1913” NPR)
  • Military Life

    Military Life
    In 1914 Hitler moved to Munich and applied to serve in the German army and was accepted in August of 1914. Hitler hoped to invade Austria's military and find a better life in Germany. He began military service in World War I and was present at a number of significant battles. This is significant because it taught Hitler how to fight and become a strong independent person.
    ("Adolf Hitler Biography" ("Hitler" Encyclopedia Americana 246-249) ("Adolf Hitler Timeline"
  • Birth Of A Nation

    Birth Of A Nation
    Birth of a Nation originally premiered with the title The Clansman in February, 1915 in Los Angeles, California, but three months later the movie was re-titled to Birth of a Nation for the New York Premiere. D. W. Griffith was the director and producer of the movie. The movie is considered to be controversial, racist, and a masterpiece. This event is significant because it was the first full length featured film in the United States. (Nash 30-31), (Decade By “The Birth of a Nation (1915)”
  • Academic Law Enforcement

    Academic Law Enforcement
    August Vollmer was the first police chief that developed the first academic law enforcement program. The program took place at UC Berkeley. This is significant because August Vollmer had many important contributions to the job of police officers. He made many changes that policemen still follow today. The program is also an important contribution because it taught criminal justices. (Remembering August Vollmer, the Berkeley Police Chief Who Created Modern Policing.” Berkeleyside)
  • Hitler leaves the army for the Nazis

    Hitler leaves the army for the Nazis
    On September 16, 1919 Hitler left the army to devote his time to a political party called the Nazis.The party promoted German pride and Antisemitism. By 1921 Hitler was president of the party. After Germany lost WWI the nation hit a depression. Hitler gave persuading speeches blaming Germany's problems on the Jews and Marxists. It is significant because the Nazis helped Hitler's popularity and becoming of leader.
    ("Nazi Party" ("Adolf Hitler Timeline" 32)
  • Hitler's Arrested

    Hitler's Arrested
    On November 8, 1923 Hitler wanted to form a new government by attempting to overthrow Germany's. The attempt was known as the Beer Hall Putsch. Three days later on the 11th Hitler was arrested for high treason for his part on the 8th. In prison Hitler wrote some of his book Mein Kompf. In his book he wrote out his plans to transform the German society into one, based on race. This is significant because it was the parties first out of many attempts to overthrow the government. (Stewart 42)
  • Electric Guitar

    Electric Guitar
    The first commercially advertised electric guitar was in 1929 by the Stomberg-Voisinet company of Chicago. However the advertisement was not a smash hit. The first successful one was Rickenbacker's "Frying Pan" guitar of 1931. This is significant to the music world because electric guitars have become an important part of the music history and are still used today many musicians. (Smith “The Electric Guitar’s Long, Strange Trip")
  • Pluto

    On February 18, 1930 Clyde W. Tombaugh discovered Planet X known as Pluto. Percival Lowell was the first to think there was another planet near Neptune and Uranus, but he never found it. The name Planet X was changed to Pluto on March 24, 1930. Pluto was the ninth planet in the solar system and the smallest. This event is significant because for scientist this was a huge discovery. From 1905 until 1930 no one could identify the planet. ( “When Was Pluto Discovered?”
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    On January 30, 1933 Paul Von Hindenburg named Hitler chancellor. At first Hindenburg was intimated by Hitler's popularity, but he ended up being convinced into appointing Hitler. Hitler becoming chancellor marked a turning point. His plan was to eliminate politics and make Germany powerful, unified one party state. Once he began working no one could stop him. This is significant because it lead to Hitler beginning to dominant Germany.
    (A+E Networks "Adolf Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany")
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    The start of the Holocaust was on March 20,1933 when the first concentration camp was set up. By 1933 the Nazis ruled every aspect of Germany. Hitler wanted to eliminate all Jews from Germany. It was not until 1939 when the murder of Jews increased. Hitler thought the elimination of the Jews was his legacy to the world.
    This is a significant to Hitler because he was responsible for the death of 11 to 14 million people.
    (Farmer "Hitler and the Holocaust") ("Adolf Hitler Biography"
  • Hitler becomes Germany's dictator

    Hitler becomes Germany's dictator
    On August 2, 1934 Hitler was named Germany's dictator after Paul von Hindenburg died. Hitler was given the title of Fuhrer after he easily won the presidential election in 1934. One of the reason he easily won was because he vowed to fight communism. Hitler assured his people that the Third Reich would last for thousands of years, but it collapsed 11 years later. This is significant because this event gave Hitler more power and confidence in his rule.
    ("Adolf Hitler Timeline"
  • Losing The War

    Losing The War
    In 1938 and 1939 Hitler's policy of uniting all Germans led to union with Austria and invasion of Czechoslovakia and Poland led to WW2. On March 19,1945 Hitler ordered destruction of Germany's railroads, highways, and other important features because the country did not deserve them for losing the war. The order however was not obeyed.
    This is a significant event because it starts showing how the war effected Hitler and shows the start of his downfall. ("Adolf Hitler Timeline"
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    On April 30, 1945 Hitler ended his problems by committing suicide with his wife Eva Braun. The two got married on April 28th a few days before they died together. The two killed themselves in Berlin trying to avoid being captured by soviet troops. Hitler shot himself in the head while biting down on a poisonous cyanide capsule. This event is significant because when Hitler ended his life which stopped him from causing more damage on the world. ("Adolf Hitler Timeline"