Adolf Hitler was born to Alos and Klara on April 20, 1889 in the small Austrian Town of Braunau. -
Period: to
Adolf Hitler - Rise to Power
Hitler's Father dies
Alois Hitler dies at the age of 65 of lung hemorrhage. Hitler's father was described as arrogant. He repeaditly beat Hitler and when he found out that he wanted to become an artist Alois was mad. Alois's death doesn't upset Hitler at all, infact I belive that he is more relived of his fathers passing. At this point, Hitler doesn't have to worry about his fathers disaproval and can move forward in his life and away from his abusive childhood. -
Hitler's Mother Died
At such a young age, Hitler loses him mother whom he cares very much about. From what I have learned, Hitler was very close to his mother. She was the only one there for him throughout his childhood and had approved of his intrest in art. After she died, it affected him greatly. He spent weeks in a depressed state. -
Moves to Vienna
Hitler moved to Vienna with inherited money after his fathers death so that he could pursuit his career in art. He was rejected from the Vienna Academy of Art and the School of Architecture. I think this experience had angered Hitler in many ways. It was his dream to become an artist but he was never good enough. This is just like with his father, Hitler was never good enough. -
Joins Military Services in World War 1
After being poor and alone for such a long time, Hitler joins the German military services. I think that this makes him actually feel better as a person. He finally has a pourpose in life, a home, and meets friends. -
Mustared Gas Attack
Hitler is blinded by a mustared gat attack during world war 1. He becomes deeply drepressed but soon he regains his sight. This made him extreamly mad. Through his sufforing his anger grew more and more for the people who had done this to him. -
Germans Workers Party
After attending his first metting in the German Workers Party, Hitlers perswasive and forecfull voice is introduced to the public for the first time. he is asked to come back and soon recives a postcard telling himn he has been accepted as a member into the party. This gives Hitler a place where he belongs after the war. He is able to communicate his thoughts and feelings to people. It was his first introduction to politics. -
Elected the Leader of a new Nazi Party
After quiting the party, they realise that they need Hitler to come back. He says that he will only come back if he was made chairman. I think that by doing this he has gained all of this power and believes that he can use his skills more often -
Beer Hall Putsch
Hitler and his 35.000 folowers break into the Beer hall meeting. After threatening some of the most senior men in Bararian politics he gained their support in taking over Munich. By gaining these polititions into his group, he becomes more powerful. -
Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison
After an unsucsessfull atempt to take over the German government, Hitler is sentenced to 5 years in prison for treason. This propably angers him a lot, but also gives him time to think about his options. After being in there for 9 months, he was realised because of politial pressure form supporters of the Nazi Party -
Germans Elect Nazis
Hitler and his Nazi campain was unlike anyother seen in Germany. He travelled all around the country giving many speches that included carefully rehearsed hand geusters, skillfully played emotions, perfectly staged events, and the perfect pitch and tone in his voice. He recived 6,371,000 votes which granted him 107 seats on the German Reichstag. This was great in Hitlers eyes. He was once more given more power. With having all of these seats, he was now one step closer. -
Runs for Presedent of Germany
Hitler had lost to Hindenburg, but was still very popular. This made people in Berlin scared. This was just three weeksa after his neice had commited suicide. It forced him to pull himself out of depression. -
Becomes Dictator of Germany
Hilter Becomes "Fuerher" of Germany
This was Hiteler's finaly step. Now he had all the power he needed to run Germany the way he wanted. He had a large group of followers and everything he needed.