adolf hitler

  • when he was born

    when he was born
    born on April 20, 1889
    die on April 30, 1945
  • when Hitler dad die

    Adolf Hitler, who was 13 when his father died, says in Mein Kampf that he died of a "stroke of apoplexy".
  • when Hitler dropout

    Hitler dropped out of high school at age 16 and went to Vienna, where he strove to become an artist, but was refused twice by the Vienna Art Academy.
  • when Hitlers mama die

    In 1907, Adolf Hitler's mother Klara died of breast cancer at age 47, when Hitler was only 18. The young Hitler was devastated by her death.
  • when hitler wint to vienna

    when hitler wint to vienna
    The beautiful old world city of Vienna, capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, with its magnificent culture that had seen the likes of Beethoven and Mozart, now had a new resident, a pale, lanky, sad looking 18-year-old named Adolf Hitler.
  • when Hitler join the war

  • when hitler joine the naves party

    On September 12th, dressed in civilian clothes, Hitler went to a meeting of the German Workers' Party in the back room of a Munich beer hall, with about twenty five people. He listened to a speech on economics by Gottfried Feder entitled, "How and by what means is capitalism to be eliminated?"
  • beer hall

    On November 8, 1923, Nazi troops under the direction of Hermann Göring surrounded the place. At 8:30 p.m., Hitler and his storm troopers burst into the beer hall causing instant panic.
  • Hitler Runs for President

    Hitler Runs for President
    In 1932, there was supposed to be a presidential election, according to law. But Hindenburg, the glue holding the floundering democracy together, was getting too old and said he was not interested in running again.