Hitler 111

Adolf Hitler and his life

  • Birth

    On April 20, 1889 in Braunau-am-Inn Austria Adolf Hitler was born.
  • Period: to

    Birth - Power

  • Relocate

    In 1894 Hitler and his family relocated to leonding because they needed good jobs.
  • New start

    New start
    In 1895 Alois retired to a small landholding at hafeld, near lambach, where he farmed and kept bees.
  • Singing Days

    Singing Days
    In 1894 eight year old Adolf Hitler took singing lessons in church and joined the choir.He also considered to be a priest when he got older.
  • Sick Mother

    Sick Mother
    On january 14, 1907 Hitler's mother went to see the family doctor about a pain in her chest, it kept her awake at night for many nights.Come to find out she had advanced breast cancer.
  • Hitler's Mother Dies

    Hitler's Mother Dies
    The christmas season approached in december 1907, she was near death. In the earily hours of december 21st, amid the glowing lights of the family's christmas tree, on december 21st 1907 Hitler's mother died. Adolf Hitler was devastated.
  • Death Certificate

    Death Certificate
    After Hitler's mother died the family doctor Dr. Bloch came to sign her death certificate. Later dr. Bloch said he had never seen anyone so overcome with grief as Adolf Hitler at the lost of his mother.
  • Homeless

    In 1909 Adolf Hitler lived in a homeless shelter.
  • Moving On

    Moving On
    Hitler had to settle into a house for poor working men on meldemannstrabe. At the time hitler lived there, Vienna was a hotbed of religious prejudice and racism. he had fears of being overrun by immigrants from the east were widespread, and the populist mayor, karl lueger, exploited the rhetoric of virulent antisemitism for politicaleffect.
  • The start of world war 1

    When hitler was 25 years old in 1914, both Austria-Hungary and the german empire became involved in the first world war.
  • Army

    In 1914 hitler volunteered for service in the german army and was accepted into the 16th Bavarian reserve infantry regiment.
  • Recovering

    The day of the announcement of the armistice in 1918, Hitler was in the hospital recovering from temporary blindness caused by a British gas attack in the Ypres Salient. In December 1918 he returned to his regiment back in Munich.
  • War Camp

    December 1918 and March 1919 Hitler worked at a prisoner-of-war camp at Traunstein before returning again to Munich. Shortly after his return he witnessed a takeover bid by local Communists who seized power before being ousted by the army.
  • Joining

    Hitler, after some thought, finally agreed to join the committee and became their seventh official in September 1919.
  • Nazi Party

    The name of the party was itself changed to the National Socialist German Workers Party on April 1st 1920.
  • Control

    By 1921 Adolf Hitler had virtually secured total control of the Nazi party, however this was not to the liking of all Nazis.
  • Fail

    On November 8th 1923 Hitler led an attempt to take over the local Bavarian Government in Munich in an action that became known as the "Beer Hall Putsch."
  • Jail

    In 1923, he attempted a coup in Munich to seize power. The failed coup resulted in Hitler's imprisonment, during which time he wrote his memoir, Mein Kampf (My Struggle).
  • Comeback

    After his release in 1924, Hitler gained popular support by attacking the Treaty of Versailles that had been forced on Germany and promoted nationalism, Pan-Germanism, and antisemitism with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda.
  • Nazi Votings

    In the July elections, the Nazi Party won 13,745,000 votes which gave them 230 out of the 608 seats in the Reichstag. Although the Nazis were the largest party, they were still short of a majority. Hitler, however, demanded that he be made Chancellor but was offered only the position of Vice-Chancellor in a coalition government, which he refused.