Adolf Hitler

  • Adolf Hitlers Birth

    At 6:30 pm Adolf Hitler was born in a small Austrian village known as Braunau. He was born right across the German border.
  • Hitler's father dies

    Adolf Hitler's father Alois Hitler dies due to a lung hemorrhage. Alois died when Hitler was only 13 and he was left broken. Adolf had admired his father and loved him dearly,
  • Moves to Vienna

    Hitler moves to Vienna after his father's death. After Hitler father's death he moved to Vienna which had a large jewish population. In Vienna Anti-semitism was accepted and often encouraged and taught in Church. Hitler was influenced by Karl Lueger who was an important politician and well known anti-semite. Hitler admired and studied Leuger and often mimicked his behavior on what he studied.
  • Hitler joins the German Workers party which eventually becomes the Nazi Party

    Adolf joined the German workers party after attending a meeting held by Gottfried Feder. After joining HItler used his speeches to eventually become the leader of the Workers party. The party was devoted to the ideals of Hitler and made many anti-semitic events. The workers party was eventually modified to include national socialist and the name was changed to The Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP. the nickname for the party was the infamous and well known Nazi party.
  • Hitler sentenced to prison for high treason

    After a series of financial events Hitler protested in an event known as the Beer Hall Putsch. He was put on trial for treason because he had protested to overthrow the government. Hitler was a revolutionary opposing the politicians in office for the German government. While in the courtroom he used it as a platform to show she people hsi thought process and ideas, many listeners liked what they heard.
  • Franklin D Roosevelt is elected as president

    Franklin Roosevelt was elected on November 7,1944. The American president was elected during WWII was in progress. He was elected over Thomas E. Dewey.
  • Hitler is named chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler ran for president of Germany in 1933 tears after he had been released from prison. He ran against former president Paul von Hindenburg. Hitler was not successful in the race for president but was later sworn as chancellor of germany.
  • Hitler becomes leader of Germany as war begins to break out

    After the death of Paul von Hindenburg on August 4, 1934 Hitler acquired leadership of Germany. Hitler named himself Fuhrer of Germany. He replaced the positions of president and chancellor and replaced it with one dictatorial position. With this position the oath followed by germany's armed forces meant complete obedience to Hitler.
  • The great depression

    The Great depression was the worst economic deterioration in the history of industrialization. A decline in the stock market caused it to crash in 1929. For the next several years it was a disaster in the industry. The Wall Street Market crashed sending investors and customer sales. Customer spending dropped and caused reduced industrial output and put thousands of people out of jobs. Failing businesses laid off workers and at the most 15 million were unemployed and half the banks have failed.
  • Japanese attack Pearl Harbor

    The Attack on Pearl harbor was a surprise attack orchestrated by the japanese on December 7,1941. Before 8 am hundreds of enemy planes dropped bombs on the american naval base and destroyed 20 naval vessels. The attacks also destroyed 300 airplanes and 8 battleships. The attack killed 2,400 Americans and over 1,000 people were injured. The Japanese attack on pearl harbor officially strted to the war between America and Japan.
  • Germany declares war on US

    Adolf Hitler declares war on The U.S. With the association of the Japanese Hitler declares war on the U.S. Hitler believed that he was beating The U.S. to the punch by declaring war. Hitler Challenged the Allied forces to start WWII againt the Axis forces.
  • U.S. drops an atomic bomb on the japanese city Nagasaki

    After the first atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima the U.S. dropped another atomic bomb but in Nagasaki. After the bombing of Hiroshima Japan was not rendered helpless enough to surrender in war. After the bombings of Nagasaki it resulted in Japan's unconditional surrender.
  • Hitlers death

    Hitler commited suicide with his wife in a war bunker after the undeniable fear of loss. Germany was being surrounded by allied forces and being terrified of being captured Hitler commited suicide with his wife. Hitler committed suicide in his Fuhrerbunker.
  • End of WWII

    WWII ended with the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers. The 3 main Axis powers surrendered to the Allies. The Axis powers also known as "Rome–Berlin–Tokyo Axis" surrendered after losing their final battle known as The Battle of Okinawa.
  • U.S. joins in the forming of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

    NATO is an organization created by America, canada and several other European nations. It was created to provide security against the soviet union. The NATO was established on April 4, 1949. The NATOs main focus was the bring western allies closer if The soviet Union were to ever attack. The soviet union signed a treaty that opposed the NATO named the Warsaw Pact of 1955.
  • Jews become excluded from state service

    After making efforts to enforce and encourage Anti-semitism Hitler had a breakthrough. on April 7, 1933 Jews were excluded from civil service. HItler and the nazis wanted to exclude and isolate jews. Over 400 laws were made against the jews and they did everything in their power to discriminate against the jews.