North Dakota Becomes a U.S. state
The land that is present day North Dakota was once part of the Louisiana Purchase of 1903. It is known for its scenic Badlands national park. The state is about 70,000 square miles. (North Dakota) -
Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889 in Braunau-am-inn, Austria-Hungary. His parentrs were Alois and Klara Hitler. His father Alois changed his last name from Schickelgruber to Hitler in 1876. He was also a mid-level customs official.His mother Klara had 5 children and only Adolf and his sister Paula survived infancy. The significance of this is that Adolf Hitler would become dictator of Germany and one of the most cruel and feared military leaders of all time. (Adolf Hitler: Early years) -
Earthquake in Japan kills 10,000
The region of Nobi which was known for its agricultural industry was hit by a magnitude 8 earthquake. Many buildings were destroyed along with the homes of thousands of people. 7,000 people were killed.
(A short history) -
Karl Benz constructs his first 4 wheel car
Karl Benz was born on November 25, 1844 in Karlshrue, Germany. He designed and built the first car that ran with an internal-combustion engine. (Karl Benz) -
1st U.S. open golf championship held
The first US open was played at Newport Golf and Country Club in Newport, Rhode Island. The champoinship consisted of 36 holes. Four rounds of 9 holes each. The championship was played in one day. The winner was Horace Rawlings who won $150.
(1895 US open) -
J.J. Thompson discovers electrons
The electron is the negativly charged particle in an atom. The electron is extremly important to the world of electronics. They travel through the circuts and wires to create electricity. The electrons will move from the negativly charged areas to the positivley charged areas. (Electron) -
World War 1 Begins; Hitler joins Bavarian army
World War 1 or the Great War was a war that was in Europe but involved countries from all over the globe. The war was started when a Serbian nationalist gunned down the heir to the Austrian throne. Hitler joined the war under the Bavarian Regiment at the age of 25. He was awarded several medals and was injured twice.
This event is significant because it caused him to commit his life fully to war. Also, his service in 1919 appears to have sarted his hate for Jews.
(Hitler and WW1) -
Sent to Landsberg jail
On April first, 1924 Adolf Hitler was sent to Landsberg jail for his failed revolt 'Beer Hall Putsch'. He was charged for treason which would normally be punished by death but since he wasn't a communist or socialist he got 5 years in prison. He was treated very nicely with a furnished cell, servants, and was able to roam the town of landsberg during the day. This is significant because he wrote one of the most controversial books of history in this jail Mein Kampf. (Mein Kampf) -
Becomes chancellor of Germany
In 1933 President Paul von Hindenburg won the position of President over Hitler. Hoping that Hitler would join his cabinet, Hindenburg appointed him to the position of Chancellor. In 1934 when Hindenburg died so did the last remnants of Germanys democracy leaving Hitler sole leader.
The significance of this event is that if Hitler was never chancellor he wouldnt have been able to be the dictator he was.
(History.com) -
German troops invade Austria
German troops marched into Austria to annex the nation for the 3rd reich. It was the 2nd time in 4 years that the Austrian Nazi's tried to take over the Austrian government. This event is significant because the Austrian chancellor was bullied into appointing several nazi leaders to his cabinet. (History.com) -
RAF planes overpower the Luftwaffe
The German forces were going to invade Britan but the Royal Air Force over powered the Nazi army. When Hitler changed his plans to just bomb London into submission two of his largest bombers were destroyed.
This event is significant because it led to the German failure at the Battle of Britain.
(History.com) -
German troops surrender at Stalingrad
The German forces had to surrender at the battle of stalingrad. This is because Hitler made fun of one of his men for not committing suicide but that man was later captured by the soviet forces. He sold out hitler and his men to the soviets. This is event is significant firstly because it was the germans first major loss in WWII. Also, because it marked the end of the german march into russian and eastern europe. (Battle of Stalingrad) -
D-Day invasion
Codenamed operation overlord, the D-Day invasion was set for June 5th, 1944. Due to weather delay the invasion was postponed to the following day. About 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily guarded coast of Normandy.
This event is significant because it was the turning point of the war.
(D-Day) -
Auschwitz is libererated by the Russian army
On this day, Soviet troops enter Auschwitz, Poland, freeing the survivors of the massive concentration camp, finally revealing to the world of the horrors committed there. Auschwitz was really a group of camps, designated I, II, and III. There were also 40 smaller camps.
This event is significant because when the largest concentration camp was freed the German Forces knew they had lost the war.
(Soviets liberate Auschwitz) -
Hitler barricaded himself in a room and took a cyanied tablet. Then his wife tokk one and hitler shot himself in the head. They did this because the Soviet forces were closing in on them and they didnt want to be captured. This is significant because this marked to the end of WWII and the Nazi party. (History.com)