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Adolf Hitler

  • Birth and Young Life

    Birth and Young Life
    Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria to Alois Hitler and Klara Polzl. He was the fourth of six children. From a young age, Hitler showed interest in German nationalism and even went as far as to rejecting the Austrian-Hungary authority. Hitler became emotionally detached and introverted after his younger brother, Edmund, passed away in 1900.
  • Beginning of the Worst

    Beginning of the Worst
    Hitler's father passed away in 1903, and two years later, he dropped out of school. Following his mother's death in 1907, Hitler moved to Vienna, Austria to pursue a career as an artist. The Academy of Fine Arts rejected him twice. Hitler lacked money, as he was living off of an orphan's pension and selling postcards, therefore he stayed in homeless shelters. These years of his life would later be referred to as the years Hitler first cultivated his Anti-Semitism.
  • Migration and life in Germany

    Migration and life in Germany
    In 1913, Hitler made the move to Munich, Germany. He applied to serve in the German army following the outbreak of World War I, and was accepted in August of 1914, despite still being an Austrian citizen. Hitler was at a number of significant battles, and was decorated for his bravery and received Iron Cross First Class and the Black Wound Badge. The war made Hitler's German nationalism stronger, and he was shocked by Germany's surrender in 1918.
  • Rise and Fall From Power

    Rise and Fall From Power
    In 1919, Hitler joined the DAP, which later became the Nazi Party. He himself designed the Nazi banner. Hitler soon became infamous for his anti-Semitic views, his hatred for the Treaty of Versailles, rival politicians, and Marxists. In 1921, Hitler became the chairman of the Nazi Party. In 1923, Hitler stormed into a high government meeting and declared the formation of a new government. He was charged with high treason, sentenced to 9 months in prison. https://www.history.com/
  • Mein Kampf - My Struggle

    Mein Kampf - My Struggle
    Hitler spent most of his time in prison writing the first volume of his book, Mein Kampf. The book is a political manifesto, and described his plans to change Germany's society into one dictated by race. The first volume released in 1925, the second in 1927. The book sold over 5 million copies by the year 1939. The books appealed to many, who like Hitler, were appalled by the outcome of World War I. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/mein-kampf-is-published
  • The True Rise to Power

    The True Rise to Power
    During The Great Depression in Germany, millions were left unemployed. Germans were becoming increasingly open to extremist opinions, which was perfect for Hitler. In 1932, Hitler ran for president against Paul von Hindenburg. At the end, 36% of the votes were for Hitler. To promote political balance, Hindenburg reluctantly made Hitler chancellor. By 1933, the Nazi Party was made the only legal Party, and Germany had withdrawn from the league of nations.
  • The Horror Begins

    The Horror Begins
    In August of 1934, the day before Hindenburg passed, the cabinet declared a law. The power of the presidential office was abolished, combining its power with the chancellor. This made Hitler head of state. Hitler's plans to exclude Jews from German society began the year he rose to power, with hundreds of laws to restrict Jews. Eventually, Hitler banned all Jews from public life overall, excluding them from every aspect of society.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    Hitler's anti-semitism, homophobia, ableism, racism, and overall prejudice only grew over the years. His hate for anyone with any association to Judaism was so horrible that he caused one of the biggest tragedies of all time, the Holocaust. Between the beginning (1939) and end (1945) of World War II, Hitler's Nazi Party was responsible for the deaths of 11 million people, 6 million of them being Jews.
  • The End

    The End
    After countless miss-affairs, wars, and deaths, Hitler had come to realize that Germany was going to loose the second World War by early 1945. That year, Hitler moved into a huge underground bunker in Berlin, fearing he would be executed, much like other European dictators. Just one day after marrying his girlfriend, Hitler committed suicide, a dose of cyanid & shooting himself in the head. He took his life out of fear from being captured by enemy troops.