Adolf Hitler

  • German Workers' party

    Hitler was frustrated that Germany lost WW1 , so he joined the German Workers' party.
  • Control over Nazi party

    The year the party was founded he joined it and became the leader.
  • Arrested

    He was sentenced to five year in prison because he tried to over throw the government in what was called,"Beer Hall Putsch."
  • Great Depression

    People wanted change so they diced to go with the Nazi party who where more radical. They eventually held 230 sears in the Reichstag.
  • Nazis

    He came into power of the Nazis and was a dictator.
  • Chancellor

    He was elected to be chancellor. however one of the only reasons is because he had a supporter on the inside named Franz Von Papen pursuaed people to vote for Hitler.
  • The fire

    There was a large fire at the Reichstag building. Hitler used this as a way to climb in power by calling a state of emergency and gave him more power over the government and the people.
  • The Enabling Act

    This act allowed Hitler and the Nazi party to rule with almost no restriction in the government. They got is act to pass by arresting the representatives so they could not attend the vote.
  • Dealing with people who disagreed

    He started to build his concentration camps and held people there if they did not go along with the Nazi party. In this time Hitler also took full control after President Hindenburg had died. One of the first things he did was held a vote to change their constitution and 90% of Germany agreed.
  • Rearmament

    During this time he decided to reintroduce the draft and showed the people his Four-year plan which would prepare their military for war.
  • The Rhineland

    Germany moved troops to the Rhine river where they were told not go to by the treaty of Versailles, but when they did nobody did anything.