
Adolf Hitler

  • Hitler Born

    Hitler Born
    This is the time when Adolf Hitler came to these world and no one knew that he would end up killing over 11 million people including 6 million Jews
  • In The Start of Hitlers life

    In The Start of Hitlers life
    So Hitler is no at a private school called the Realschule were he become Fixated on warfare which would what he would follow later.
  • A Grown Man

    A Grown Man
    Hitler is now 18 teen and seens he has so much money he desided to move to Vienna.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    Hitler say this as a opatunaty for redemtion. So he signed up and he got aecepted so he was shiped out and he wasen't a blood and guts guy he was really a despatch runner.
  • Hitler Blind

    Hitler was serving his country when all over a sudden the british used mustard gas which blined Hitler and he was the hospital for a few months and then when he learned that Gremany lost the war he want in a deep depression.
  • politics

    Hitler now just started to get in to politics after wourld war 1 but how he started to get into politics his that one of his camanding officers told him to go spy on this gourp called GWP[German Work Party] wanted to samething.
  • Birth Of th Nazi Party

    The gourp is now called the nazi party it is all so when Adolf hitler became learder becuse he knew that they didnt want to lose him.
  • new leader

    Hitler became the new leader of Germany by stroming in the middle of a meeting with his storm troopers and then made them watch over 3,000 people then hitler took 3 people
  • Frist Blood

    hitler finle had the power he wanted and so he went to berlin but there were cop blocking the road and they started to shoot so they retuned fire. With in a few seconed 26 deid and 100 were ingered. then shortly after that he was sent to jail.
  • The rest of Hitlers life

    The rest of Hitlers life
    Hitler now has this really big army and his just killing left to right and is all so trying to take over the world so he can make Germany bigger and bigger and rich and in the posest he killed so many and he failed and he also split his country and then he made his love life to comit suidiced with him by taking cyanide pilles with him and then he shot him self.