
  • Adolescence

    Cognitive development in adolescence, during this stage teenagers focused on oneself, and this is called Adolescence Egocentrism. This agocentrism make teenagers unwilling to accept criticisms, and quick to find fault with others's behaviors. picture up load from goggle.
  • Period: to


  • Adolescence

    Physical development in teens, during this age the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for impulse control, is biological immature, leading to some of the risky and impulsive bahavior, such as wild skateboarding, or jumping from a roof with a bike.
  • Adolescents and stress

    Adolescents and stress
    During this stage, some adolescents handle daily stress better than other teens. teens use problem-focused coping, which means they attempt to manage the stressful problem directly changing the situation to make it less stressful, an example could be a teen strugling with math and asking the teacher for extra help. Other teens may use the emotion-focus coping, which involves the conscious regulation of emotion, an example of this could be a teen, ignoring the problem in front of them.
  • Adolescents and social development

    Adolescents and social development
    During this stage teens seek to determine what is unique about themselves, making choices about their personal, occupational, sexual, Erikson call this the Identity-versus-identity confusion stage. picture upload by