(3) 10:45 am: Adnan Calls Jay
Adnan called Jay and offered to lend his car to him. The reason in Adnan's story is so that Jay can go buy Stephanie (Jay's girlfriend) a present. Picture Credit: https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/the-evolution-of-telephones/28/ -
(4) 10:45-11:15 am: Lunch
Picture Credit: http://www.clipartpanda.com/categories/lunch-time-clip-art -
(7) 12:50-2:15 pm: Psychology Class
Picture Credit: https://openclipart.org/tags/psychology?query=psychology&page=5 -
(6) 11:15-12:50 pm: Free Period
Picture Credit: http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/34200/34269/nclock-11-15_34269.htm -
(5) 11:15-11:30 am: Jay Drops Adnan Back off at School.
Photo Credit: http://www.fotolip.com/car-clipart-5586.html -
(8) 1:27 pm: Adnan Gets to Psychology Late
Picture Credit: https://openclipart.org/tags/psychology?query=psychology&page=5 -
(9) Adnan Checks Email
Adnan goes to Woodlawn Public Library to check his email in the free time he had before track practice. In his visit to the library, he has his conversation with Asia. Picture Credit: http://www.clipartpanda.com/categories/mail-clipart -
(11) 4:30-5:00 pm: Jay Picks up Adnan from Track Practice
Picture Credit: http://www.fotolip.com/car-clipart-5586.html -
(12) 6:00 pm: Adnan and Jay go to "Cathy's House"
(13) 6:07-6:24 pm: Officer Adcock calls Adnan for Hae
Picture Credit: https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/the-evolution-of-telephones/28/ -
(14) 7:00-8:00 pm: Adnan goes home