Try this


By jlisk
  • First Saturday Meeting

    Interviewed people who went to outreach events. Created an outline for the essay, created a script for the video, made this timeline.
  • Period: to

    Remaining Length of Build Season

  • Second Saturday Meeting

    Complete the first draft, brainstorm/acquire the people to interview, gather resources for the video (filler things and such.)
  • Third Saturday Meeting

    Continue final draft for essay, have storyboard for video written/drawn out, at this point we should have reserved the video equipment to be used in the next week.
  • Fourth Saturday Meeting

    Have interviews done, begin editing video, finish up final draft for the essay.
  • Fifth Saturday Meeting

    Finish editing video, revise and finalize essay.
  • Sixth Saturday Meeting

    Both the essay and the video must be done and basically finalized by now. Start on preparing for the interview, shift focus to scouting.
  • Chairman's Award Submission due

    Focus on improving scouting as well as preparing for the interview.