ADK-Motor Skills Development- First year

  • Period: to

    Baby is born

    Baby is born
  • one month

    one month
    Lifts chin when placed on stomach
  • Two months

    Two months
    lifts chest well above surface when placed on stomach
  • Three months

    Three months
    Holds up head steadily
  • Four months

    Four months
    Rolls from side to back and from back to side
  • Five months

    Five months
    Sits alone briefly
  • Six months

    Six months
    Turns completely over when laid on back or stomach
  • Seven months

    Seven months
    Eats with fingers
  • Eight months

    Eight months
    Picks up large objects
  • Eight months

    Eight months
    Propels self by arms, knees, or squirming motion
  • Nine months

    Nine months
    Is more skilled with spoon
  • Ten months

    Ten months
    Walks when led
  • Eleven months

    Eleven months
    Holds and drinks from a cup
  • Twelve months

    Twelve months
    Stands alone