Adidam Timeline

  • Birth of Adi Da

    Adi Da, the founder of Adidam, was born in Queens, New York on November 3, 1939.
  • Adi Da Becomes a Student

    Adi Da travels from California to New York in search of a spiritual teacher, eventually beginning to learn under Albert Rudolph (AKA Rudi) in Greenwitch Village.
  • Adi Da Awakens into "The Bright"

    On September 1970, Adi Da experienced an awakening into the state of spiritual enlightenment now called "The Bright".
  • Ashram Books (AKA Dawn Horse Books) Opens

    In 1972, Adi Da opened Ashram Books as a spiritual center/bookstore in Los Angeles.
  • Adi Da's Near Death Experience

    On January 11, 1986, on Naitauba Island, Adi Da described a feeling of the life force "leaving his body", before falling to the floor and having to be resuscitated by doctors. After this experience, Adi Da would go on to have a sudden profound, impulsive love and compassion for "suffering beings".
  • Death of Adi Da

    Adi Da reportedly died of cardiac arrest on November 27, 2008, while in his home in Fiji working on his art.