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Adele Reilly Human Rights Timeline 5
Armenian Genocide
During WorldWar 1the Armenian People were rising up against the turkish government. In response to this act they used there retreat from battles of the world war to kill off the Armenian people. -
Soviet Purges
The soviet purges was the killing of anyone opposing or rebelling against stalin's 5 year plan of industrializing the soviet state.Millions of farmers were killed during this time due to there uncooperation. -
Rape of Nanjing
Happened in Nanjing China, It was the mass rape and murder of Chinese women by foreigners. The foreigners took advantage of the women and raped them and took the men used them as target practice and murdered them. It happened because the foreigners wanted to expand and China was the perfect place. Tens of thousands of women were raped and a quarter million men were murdered. -
German Holocaust
The Jewish people were forced to wear yellow stars of David on their clothing by the Germans. They were forced into Jewish ghettos and were forced to follow German law. Concentration camps were opened, the biggest in Poland, Aushwitz. Jews from all over Europe were transported to these concentration camps were they would have to work and would be executed. -
Missing People During Juan Peron in Argentina
Juan Peron came to power by a secret armed officers group in Argentina. He was able to bring benefits to industrial workers. He was also able to raise the pay up 40 percent. -
South African Apartheid
In 1948, National Power gained power supporting racial segregation in South Africa. Group Areas Act of 1950 made seperate sections in urban areas for each race. More laws were created racial segregation in public areas. -
My Lai Massacre
The My Lai Massacre was a turning point in the public perception of the Vietnam War. It was a watershed in American combat history. More than 500 Vietnamese citizens were killed in cold blood by US soildiers. The story of the massacre was released a year later it ruined the reputation of the US Army. The reason for the mission was to find elusive troops that were thought to be hiding out in My Lai. When shooting started, it started a chain reaction. Soildiers gunned down unarmed people. -
Chile under Augusto Pinochet
Pinochet directed the coup of September 11, 1973, and was president until 1990. He shut down political parties, canceled elections, limited the press and trade unions, and engaged in other undemocratic actions during its more than 16 years of rule. -
Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge
In Cambodia, Pol Pot was the secretary genereal of Cambodia's Communist party. He led a revolutionary. In less then 4 years, one million, or 1 out of every 7 Cambodian's died from starvation, malnutrition, or mistreated illness. When they came to power they evacuated men, women, and children to the country side to take up rural work. -
Iraq under Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein started the genocide against the kurdish people and all rebels.He used Secret police, torture, mass murder, rape, deportations, forced disappearances, assassinations, chemical warfare to keep his power during this time. -
Somalia Civil War
It started when different groups of clans rose up against the military government. It still takes place this day. Many groups wanted power because the government was taken down and now all the groups are fighting to take control. The whole country is effected by this fighting. There is police brutality, freedom of speech, religion, and movement were all restricted. Women were discriminated. -
Rwanada Genocide
During the reign of Belgian in Rwanada. Belgian's favored the Tutsi over the Hutu's due to the Tutsi's lighter skin and smaller noses. When the Hutu's took control of Rwanda they attacked the Tutsi's due to jealousy -
Darfur Conflict
Geurilla conflict in Darfur region of Sudan. Started when the Sudan liberation movement army and Justice and Equality movement rebelled against the government. Many human rights were broken and many people lost their lives because of this conflict about 30,000 people died. The rebellion had three causes race, religion and resources on the land. -
Sierra Leone and the child soldiers
The rebels of sierra leone usex children to populate their forces. Reports of child abduction were accounted.They then placed them on the front lines to fight for the cause. -
Genocides in Bosnia & Herzegovina
Serbia set out to cleanse bosnia of bosnian muslims Serbia sided with bosnian serbs to rid bosnia of the muslims Many Muslim Bosnians were driven into concentration camps, where women and girls were systematically gang-raped and other civilians were tortured, starved and murdered. -
Uganda under Idi Amin
Idi Amin ruled Uganada, he was known for his widespread killing and torture of many people. The people he killed were innocent farmers, students, scholars, clerks, and shopkeepers, they were either shot or beaten to death by "death squads". Many innocent people were killed and torture. Out of a population of 12 million, 300,00 had been killed or had their human rights taken from them.