adan western acts timeline

  • navigation acts

    navigation acts
    the Navigation acts made so the colonists could only sell raw goods to British buyers and only use British ships. colonists wanted to sell there goods to other buyers thta offered more for the goods and who also cost less to use their boats. So, they would smuggle goods to other countries.
  • proclamation of 1763

    proclamation of 1763
    this act sets the Appalachian mountains as a westward boundary for the colonists. Britain did this to keep control of the new owned territory. Colonists that bought land in the west were furious. some moved west illegally.
  • sugar act

    sugar act
    this act had lowered the tax on sugar in hopes that people would pay the price instead of smuggling. colonists were now even more angry about this because they enforced this act even more so colonists would have to pay it now.
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    this act taxed almost every printed materials and documents. This was britain taxing the colonists directly, which made them furious. The colonists made effigies of tax collectors and burned royal's house. the colonists also boycotted british and goods, this final movement compelled Parliament to repeal the stamp act.
  • Declaratory act

    Declaratory act
    this act was passed when the stamp act was repealed. this act aloud Britain to tax the colonies in all cases. the colonists were angry about having another act passed, but they were happy that the stamp act was gone.
  • townshend act

    townshend act
    different taxes put on imported goods. Britain did this thinking that the colonists only disliked internal taxes. any taxes now angered the colonists. colonists boycotted the taxed goods such as glass, tea, and paper.
  • tea act

    tea act
    Gave the East India company monopoly over tea imported to the colonies. Britain did this to prevent the company from going bankrupt. this put a lot of merchants that dealed tea to the colonists into bankrupcy. tea was also more expensive buying it directly through the company. this resulted in the boston tea party.
  • Coercive acts

    Coercive acts
    this closed Bpston"s harbor and took away some of the rights that that people of Boston had. King George the 3rd did this because what boston did to the shipment of tea. the british soldiers interfered with the bostonian's everyday lives. this act was one of the many that led to the revolution.
  • Quebec act

    Quebec act
    Gave Quebec a government and land west of the Appalachians. Britain did this to take away the land promised to the colonists. speculators were more angry than ever, having there bought land being taken. this aslo was one of many that started the revolution.