Adam Jones

  • Born

    Adam Jones was born in Singapore.
  • Adam Jones Releases Article

    Adam Jones published the article "Does gender make the world go round? This article was about feminist critiques of international relations. I feel as if this influenced Adam Jone's advocacy for gender equality as he goes into depth about international relations showing his concern on feminism.
  • Adam Jones releases 'Gender Inclusive"

    Adam Jones released his book 'Gender Inclusive' which was a collection of essays that entail violence, men, feminist international relations, and much more. This collection of essays advocacy for gender equality as they explore large issues surrounding "gendercide."
  • Adam Jones teaches at University of British Columbia

    Adam Jones was a professor at University of British Columbia's Okanagan campus. Jones taught at the university specializing in classes such as genocide studies, human rights, and gender and international relations. Jones helped spread knowledge to his students on so much about gender equality making himself advocate for gender equality.
  • Adam Jone's releases "Sites of Genocide"

    This more recent book by Adam Jones is a more up to date collection of essays and interviews of Jones for in the last 10 years. This compilation of work talks about a decade long of mass violence. A few of the essays look into gender reveals, the gradual emergence of male victims of gender based violence, and much more. This work is advocacy for gender equality as Jones to this day is still working to share his work on these issues people are still continuing to deal with today.
  • Adam Jones Now

    Adam Jones is currently still a teacher in Canada, at the University of British Columbia.