Adalyn Loughner P.7 Religion Quiz

  • 1500 BCE


    Hinduism is most dominant in India. 15% of the world practices Hinduism today. Hindus believe in rebirth, meaning that once you die you are reborn. Hinduism has no one founder, but a fusion or various beliefs. The Hinduism symbol is called the Om.
  • 800 BCE


    Judaism is most dominant in Israel or North America. Approximately 0.2% of the world's population practices Judaism. At the age of 13 Jews have a ceremony, where they become a man or woman, they now have the responsibility of their actions. God communicates to the Jews through prophets. The Star of David is their religious symbol.
  • 600 BCE


    Buddhism is most dominant in the Asia-Pacific region. Buddhism is 7-8% of the world's population. Buddhists believe that human life is a cycle where there is suffering and rebirth. They believe that their actions are more important than their beliefs. The symbol that the Buddhists use is a flower called the Lotus.
  • 50


    Christianity is most dominant in The Americas. 2.2 billion people practice Christianity which is about 33%. The Christians believe that they have the immortality of the soul in the afterlife. To be welcomed into the Christian religion, you have to get baptised. When you are baptised it means that you are now welcomed into the Christian religion. Most Christians are baptised when they are babies. The Christians use The Cross as their religious symbol.
  • Jan 1, 610


    Islam is most practiced in the Asia-Pacific region, about 25% of people practice Islam. Islam has no mythology in their religion. Mecca is very important to the religion, they pray 5 times a day and always face Mecca when praying. Any Muslim has to travel to Mecca once in their lifetime. The Crescent and Star is the name of their symbol.
  • Period: Jan 1, 722 to Jan 1, 1492

    Reconquista Part 1

    The Reconquista started because the Christians felt threatened that the Muslims had the same amount of land as them. The Christians wanted more land to show that they are more powerful. Christianity and Islam are the two religions that are fighting in the war. The Reconquista took place in Spain/Iberian peninsula. The last battle was Granada, this event ended the conflict. Alfonso VI was the leon leader for the Muslims, and helped them in battle.
  • Period: Jan 1, 722 to Jan 1, 1492

    The Reconquista Part 2

    The war ended with the Christians gaining control of the Iberian Peninsula. At the end of the war the population decreased in all of the major cities. Over 7 million people died in the Reconquista.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1096 to Jan 1, 1277

    The Crusades Part 1

    The Crusades lasted from 1096-1277, the reason for it was that the Christians wanted Holy Land that Jesus died, the Muslims were in possession of the land, which is now modern day Israel. The Christians fought the Muslims for the land. Islam and Christianity were the two religions that were fighting. This conflict took place in the Middle East, near the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1096 to Jan 1, 1277

    The Crusades Part 2

    One important event during the Crusades was the Children's Crusade. The Christian children wanted to be apart of the battle, so they ventured out to find the Holy Land. Unfortunately the children did not make it to the Holy land, meaning that they most likely died. The Pope created an army to defend the Christians, and is a historically significant individual. The conflict ended with the Muslims still controlling the land, and Europe's economy grew because of the conflict.
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    30 Years War Part 2

    Ferdinand II is significant because the war would not have happened if Ferdinand II allowed their to be different types of Christianity. He wanted everyone to be a Christian, not a Protestant. The Christians and the Protestants signed the treaty of Westphalian that ended the war giving them independence.
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    30 Years War Part 1

    The 30 Years War started because Ferdinand II wanted everyone to practice that same type of Christianity. They had a difference in policies and Ferdinand II did not approve. The two branches of Christianity that were fighting were the Christians and Protestants. This war took place in Germany, The Czech Republic, etc. Many wars took place during this time, an important one is the Battle of White Mountain that took place in 1620. The Christians invaded Bohemia to destroy the Protestants.
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    Circassian War Part 1

    The war started because Russia wanted control of the border of the Black Sea. Circassia was in the path of where the Russians wanted to take control, making them there target. Russia changed their religion to Christianity, so that they were not Muslims like the Circassians. This war took place in Circassia which is now modern day Russia. In 1763 Russia entered the city of Mezdeug, and turned it into their fortress. Tsar Nicholas I initiated the attack on Circassia.
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    Circassian War Part 2

    Russia destroyed their livestock leaving them with no food. Russia won and expanded their territory. After the war had finished 97% of the Circassians had died.
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    Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Part 1

    This conflict started the day the Israel had become its own independent country. Israel contained the Holy Land that was important to the Jews and the Muslims. They are now fighting to have possession of the land. This conflict takes place in Israel. It is where Jesus had died. Israel invaded Lebanon because they attempted to assassinate their president. There goal was to uproot the Palestinian Liberation Organization. They succeeded and drove the PLO out of Lebanon.
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    Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Part 2

    Yasser Arafat was president of the Palestinian authority and Chairman of the PLO. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for leading the PLO to signing the Oslo Accords in 1993. The Oslo Accords included that the Jews would give the Muslims there land in exchange for peace. This accord lasted for 7 years until the failure of Camp David Summit. The "Peace to Prosperity" and the Abraham Accords were also attempts to resolve the conflict. The conflict still occurs today, and has not been resolved.
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    Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Part 1

    The war started because Afghanistan's president Taraki did not want the people to practice Islam. They were fighting for their religions. The PPPA are christians and the Mujahideen are the muslims that Taraki is trying to take over. Taraki wanted the support from the soviets who eventually accepted to help. This war took place in Afghanistan, mostly in the city Kabul. The Battle of Arghandias, the weapon that was most used was the AK-47.
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    Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Part 2

    The U.S. gave Osama Bin Laden weapons to help fight the soviets, that were then used against them during 9/11. President Taraki initiated this war because he believed that everyone in his country should have to practice the same religion that he does. He also was able to get the Soviets to help him take over the Mujahideen. This war was concluded by the Soviets and the country of Afghanistan signing an accord to them having peace. The soviets withdrew their attacks and soldiers.
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    Syrian Civil War (Sunni-Shia) Part 1

    The Sunni and the Shia are both different branches of Islam. The Sunni believed that they should rule because they had a higher percentage of people, but the Shia had more power. The Sunni were 60% while the Shia were 39%, this led the Sunni believe that they should have more power. This war was located in Syria. On March 2011 Arab Spring Protests began throughout the country. This war is significant because there were lots of protests.
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    Syrian Civil War Part 2

    A Shia leader was Bashar, he used chemical weapons to fight the Sunni. The Sunni caused lots of destruction, and 6.8 million refugees fled. Unfortunately, this conflict has not been resolved, and is still going on today.