AD 500-1000

  • 507

    clovis' army drives Visigoths out of France

  • 529

    Justinian 1 becomes emperor

  • 529

    St. Benedict founds the first monastery

  • 537

    construction of Hagia Sophia begins in Constantinople

  • 632

    Death of Mohammad

  • 637

    Muslims attack Constantinople

  • 638

    Muslims capture Jerusalem

  • 698

    Muslims take Carthage

  • 711

    Muslims take Spain

  • 732

    France halts Muslim invasion

  • 793

    Vikings attack England

  • 800

    Charlemagne is crowned Holy Roman Emperor

  • 800

    Gunpower was invented

  • 885

    Vikings attack Paris

  • 997

    Muslims occupy Santiago de Compostela in Spain