Proclamation of 1763
The new structure of the British empire in North America, with the goal to establish relations with the Native North Americans with trade, settlement, and land purchases. With it also stating that settlements west of the Appalachian Mountains were prohibited to avoid any conflicts with Indians. -
Sugar Act
Increased taxes on sugar, at went further by also increasing taxes on cloth, coffee, tropical foods, and silk. Making it change from paying a sixpence per gallon of sugar, to paying three-pence per gallon. -
Currency Act
Forbid colonies to make their own type of money/currencies. -
Stamp Act
Purpose of this act was to pay the Britain's military forces. Increasing the taxes of papers and publications of the colonies. -
Quartering Act of 1765
Requires colonist to provide housing for soldiers, like barracks, and providing them with supplies. -
Declaratory Act
Stating that Parliament could make laws binding the American colonies, "in all cases whatsoever." -
Townshend Act
Started to impose import taxes on paint, lead, glass, paper, silk, and tea shipped to the American colonies. -
Boston Massacre
A tragic event where British soldiers were being taunted and resulted in them shooting into a crowd of colonists, killing 5 people. -
Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts)
Series of disciplinary laws passed by the British Parliament, mostly in response to the Boston Tea Party, resulting in the Boston Harbor being shut down. -
Boston Tea Party
Officials in Boston refused to return three shiploads of taxed tea back to Britain, so a group of colonists boarded the ships and dumped all the tea into the Boston Harbor. -
Quebec Act
Outlines the division between Canada and the American Colonies. -
Quartering Act of 1774
Allowed for soldiers to be housed in private homes and facilities.